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South Coast Easter. Sussex Inlet and JB


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Well I managed to convince the wife to come down to the south coast for easter and do some fishing.. :thumbup: She has never fished before and has said that she didnt think that she would like it..We set off on Good friday from Bathurst, picked up the boat in Sydney and headed down the coast..We managed to beat the traffic until Kiama.... Bumper to bumper all the way to Nowra..

Made it to Sussex and unpacked everything..While the wife was getting settled I thought I might see what was happening down at the ramp.... Well there were boats everywhere and I had never seen this part of the coast this busy.. But the water looked great, and there had been quite a few good reports.. So I launched the boat and headed to a spot I know can produce a fish or 2..After all i was only meant to be here for a couple of hours at the most so I could take the wife to dinner.

Sure enough, after about 30min I have my first fish in the boat after losing a nice flattie :thumbup:

A Flounder/ Sole fish

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So I called it a day and returned to tell my wife Lisa...

The next morning I was up early..(still Dark) to get the boat ready, Just in case Lisa wanted to join me..By the time i had everything all set up, she was up and decided to come along with me..Just as the sun started to rise, I noticed that there was a guard on the front lawn watching what I was doing...

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We headed to St Georges Basin, after hearing that people were getting some good flatties.. I found a spot away from all the boats and while i was waiting for some bites, I decided to give these soft plastics a go..

First flick........IM ON :yahoo:

Nice little tailor about 25cm.. I was so rapt!!......

We dropped a couple of Flatties as well and had a nice one for a feed..

Tomorrow we are heading to Jervis Bay for the day and hopefully put Lisa onto a fish..

Jervis bay ..

We headed for middle ground as the talk were big kings...By the time we got there wind was up a little and the wife wasn't all that keen..So i headed back in a little and around the corner to drop some baits..It wasn't long and the wife says "I think i got one".....I was busy tying a hook so I tell her to wind it in.....I turn around, and yes she has something.. :yahoo:

A ray/shark..This is her first fish..Well done

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So now I have a first with the plastic, and my wife has her first fish.. :thumbup:

We fished all around JB until late and managed the following..

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1 ray/shark

6 good size yakkas (kept for bait)

12 young snappper, 6 legals

The weather rolled in on the way back to sussex.

Monday morning..

I couldnt sleep, and the morning was very still.. I went outside to have a look as it had rained all night.. It was still very overcast, and I thought to myself that I still had those yakkas...My thoughts were Jewie time, although I had never caught a real Jewie before ...only soapies..

So i went to the ramp and put the boat in, I thought it was about 4.30am, but was so dark I couldnt see up the inlet at all..(it was only 3am) and the mullet were jumping everywhere.. So i started up the inlet for a while, I had no idea where the channel was as there were no lit up markers. So the next one I found, I dropped anchor..

Got my jewie rod out and baited up a butterflied yakka....I turned around to bait up a small rod....."ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"

I couldnt believe it...My first thought was JEWIE..and it was..So here is my first and PB jewie... :yahoo: This one went 65cm

I re baited, this time with a yakka fillet.. Cleared the deck and tried to bait up the small rods again when ......Yep! "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"

A new PB of 85cm

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Now I am over the moon.. I bait again.. with my last fillet...."ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"

This is my 3rd Jewie for the morning and it has only been an hour and a half.. It is now a new PB again with 93cm Jewie and only 4.30am and the camera has gone flat..

By the way all fish apart from the legal flattie were released, hence why I dont have more photos..I had a great Easter and now the wife has said to me ...."I think I like fishing" :thumbup: What more can a man want....

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Good work mate, is the missus hooked yet?

What do you mean by butterflied?

yeah mate she is hooked :thumbup: and butterflied is when you take the back bone out from behind the head so that the 2 fillets wave around

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Well done Yarraone, sounds like you had a much more productive time at St Georges Basin then we did.

Sat we managed just a single leather jacket, with plenty of throw back pinkies, Sun was family stuff, take kids to the beach, and Monday we weren't going back in until we got a bucket load, all we were able to tempt and hookup was those mullets you saw jumping everywhere.

Caught quite a few bream, but all measured around 23 cm, so all released, the rain started to set in at around 1:30pm, so alled it quits, and had to settle for a bucket load of mullets.

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Thanks for the post. I have been fishing Sussex and St. Georges Basin for 40 years and it is only in the past 12 months that I have heard reports of Jewies in the waterway. Catching three in the Inlet amazes me, great work, it will I am sure inspire us to spend some time overnight on the Basin and Inlet ith big baits.

We had a good Easter with plenty of big Tailor on SPs on ultra-light tackle in the Basin and some Bream on baits. We also got a small King in JB downrigging, but had trouble finding bait.


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Thanks for the post. I have been fishing Sussex and St. Georges Basin for 40 years and it is only in the past 12 months that I have heard reports of Jewies in the waterway. Catching three in the Inlet amazes me, great work, it will I am sure inspire us to spend some time overnight on the Basin and Inlet ith big baits.

We had a good Easter with plenty of big Tailor on SPs on ultra-light tackle in the Basin and some Bream on baits. We also got a small King in JB downrigging, but had trouble finding bait.


I found the yakkas in JB near the bommie on the way out. and i round the jewie at the green marker where the inlet and chris creek meet near river rd

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