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Fishing ban lifted near South West Rocks

Posted April 29, 2011 08:49:00

Recreational fishing closures near South West Rocks east of Kempsey have been lifted.

The State government says it is delivering on a pre-election promise to revoke fishing bans at Fish Rock and Green Island.

Both sites have been identified as important habitat for the critically endangered Grey Nurse Shark

Primary Industries minister Katrina Hodgkinson says there will now be three months of new public consultations on the issue, from next month.

"As we said before the election we want to make sure that the community's got a proper chance to be consulted before any final decision is actually made.

"I've also asked for a scientific review of the effectiveness of management arrangements in meeting domestic and international commitment to the conservation of marine biodiversity.

"Just making sure that the conservation needs of the Grey Nurse Shark are met well into the future," the minister said.

Ms Hodgkinson says fishing and diving is vitally important to the South West Rocks economy, so the consulation will also take that into consideration.

"The outcome of the community consultation that is about to commence early next month.

"It and the scientific review together will both be used to guide the development of new management arrangement for Fish Rock and Green Island.

"It is important that the Grey Nurse Shark is protected but equally it's extremely important to make sure that we get it right for the local community,"she said.

Edited by Red
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This is good news. We were up there at the start of the month and were told this was most likely going to happen. We didn't mind as we cleaned up in other areas up there but it is nice to have it as a fall back when the fishing is tough and you just want to catch some kings for a laugh.Finally some change.



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