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Fishing at Coomba Park (near foster and Tuncurry)


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Hi Raiders,

I will be going away this weekend to spend a couple of days up at Coomba Park which i believe is near Foster and Tunncury), mainly to spend some time with the Misses, luckly my Misses love fishing so we will be spending plenty of time soaking baits and tossing lures. However I have no idea what sort of fish will be on offer, if any one can point out the type of species then i will know what type of gear i will take. If any one can suggest any good wharfs or break walls to fish some that would be great, and what type of fish would i best targeting.

i don't mind driving to some spots not to far away, i don't mind fishing the beach, or the lake. Or if know if there is a jigging charter up that way (long shot but hought i would ask)

I won't be towing the boat along of this trip so everything will landbased.

thanks everyone in advanced for their advice.



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Hi Sz1

THere is some good fishing to be had on the flats of Coomba - good sized bream over the weedbeds, flatties on the sandy/gravel bits & whiting as well. There is a 'pool' enclosure there that can be fished from, a few jetties - the closest breakwall would be Forster.

Top water lures would be good over there - poppers, pencils - sps would work as well on light jig heads

Slinky spent Xmas there, so he could also help out - tho he was water based, not land based!!

Cheers & good luck. I won't be here on the weekend, otherwise I'd offer to meet up with you (and a spare yak to try out!!)


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