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Tweed Monsters

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Every so often I get to witness a truly memorable capture. When that's combined with a great day out on the water in perfect conditions, it's something very special.

OK... so I might be exaggerating a bit... or a lot... but it was a fantastic day out. Mainly because it's the first time I've had my boat in the water since December and especially because of the company on the day. Jewhunter and a non-Fishraider mate of mine, Paul, both joined me for s morning session on the Tweed River.

Paul and I picked up JH at around 6.30 in the morning and after a quick stop so Paul could get a fishing license (we still don't need them on the other side of the border so it's pretty common that it's a last minute 'oh my gosh!' moment for us Queenslanders), we launched at Condong ramp.

The perfect conditions were in fact, a river that looked like strong white coffee and a really annoying gusty wind. Jewhunter's original plan to throw poppers for trevally was a wash, as was his next plan to fish Barney's Point bridge, and his next plan to fish near the Golf Club, and his next plan to fish some shallow flats for whiting. Geez, you've got to admire that local knowledge.

So with responsibility as the skipper, I cam to the rescue by randomly picking a nice looking bit of bank where we got a nice drift and a succession of just legal and just under flathead. In return for my ability to get the local and my other mate onto some fish I copped a barrage of sledging. :ranting2:

Some people could learn some gratitude I tell you! All because I made sure that my crew caught the legal fish while I thoughtfully restricted my own captures to the 'just unders'.

We managed to find an amazing hole that we'll be going back to again too... it drops from 3m to about 14m and has great current and eddies. We saw another boat pull a really nice Flatty there drifting livies. No doubt JH will now claim 'local knowledge' of that spot even though it took a Queenslander to find it for him.

So... finally on to that memorable capture. It was the only one that warranted pulling out the camera. Of course, it was the result of another of JH's plans... to fish an area that was "crawling with Flathead". We didn't catch any flatties but JH did get a couple of small bream, Paul got what must be close to a world record Fortescue, and then Jewhunter caught this:

Don't get too excited... we don't want the tweed full of boats next time we go out...

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post-6175-094825000 1304375325_thumb.jpg

Cheers, Slinky

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.....Jewhunter's original plan to throw poppers for trevally was a wash, as was his next plan to fish Barney's Point bridge, and his next plan to fish near the Golf Club, and his next plan to fish some shallow flats for whiting.......

I think some of your local spots may now be global, Grant!!biggrin2.gif

Good to see your boat out on the water, Tony!!yahoo.gif Both it & you would have enjoyed the outing!

074.gif074.gifLove the MONSTER FISH - they breed 'em big in NSW ..... have you been able to identify it yet??? I see you needed MACRO to see it properly!1prop.gif

Better luck when you hit that hole!!! Hope you get some REAL biggies



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Well what can I say.

We couldn't fish my Trev spot as the skipper can't work his leccy with a foot control as his poofy hand held thingy had a flat battery.

Same as the bridge! :ranting2:

He got lucky with his choice of spots, but only just.

At least I put us onto some decent fish! ( see pic ) :074:

Slinky is just upset because he was outfished again. The constant barrage of abuse coming from Paul & myself had nothing to do with it.

Next time we hit the river we'll take a real boat. ( MINE! )

Thanks for the day out mate & the new wheel ruts on my lawn!



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sounds like someone needs to come to the aid of a fellow NSWelshman - grant I know that you were really cathing the bait that will snare that xos flathead next time you go out (without bannana benders) thanks to your local knowledge of the secret spot that only NSWelshmen are privvy to!!!


Edited by tide'n'knots
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