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Hi guys just thought id add a report of todays fishing trip

Started off last night in my boat in botany bay about 2am with my little cousin. We were hearing that the jewfish were back in the bay and thought we would give it a go. We were using squid for bait and live yellowtail. Within 1 hour the rod started screaming and after a awesome fight on light line brought up a decent sized jewie.. then not a bite after that.

As soon as it was light enough to head out we went outside towards jibbon within 2 mins of anchoring it was total chaos the 4 road we threw in all took off line screaming from the baitrunners eneded up bringing two of them up they were slightly undersized kingfish and let them go .. threw the rods back in and within seconds took of again .. brought up tailor after tailor approx 25 the biggest reached 1.4kgs (lost approx 50 hooks though kept getting bitten off)

We ended up moving somewhere closer to shore as it was bit rough and we eneded up getting a heap of yellowtail - 10 flathead 2 over 3kgs and a nice flounder.

On the way back to botany bay decided to try get a snapper so stoped just outsize curnell (I think they call it the golfball?) no luck with the snapper on the rods – I had a 100lb handline out with a large squid on it started spinning I grabbed the line and thought what the hell had I hooked ? what a fight I had . after getting it closer to the boat I saw this big blue thing I then knew it was a blue groper got him in the boat eventually- ( my fingers are destroyed) after that decided that was enough for one day and got back a few hours ago.

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yeah thanks guys ... got one filthy boat to clean and hell of lot of fish to clean too.

yeah 90% of my pbs were caught this year so having a pretty good year - i love my fishing challenging myself to catch bigger fish evry trip.

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