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Fishing the South Is of NZ


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3 weeks in a campervan with the family touring the South Is of NZ. I fished some of the most picturesque locations but alas the recovery of my scaley quary from their wet home was well below expectations. Basically come April the trout in the rivers have had a variety of artificials dragged past their nose all summer and are a bit jaded. Especially as I had to fit fishing into general travelling and family activities I could only visit easy access areas which are hit the hardest. Fishing the lakes without a boat is also difficult as there is just too much darn water. I never saw a small lake in my time there - they are all HUGE. I would dearly love to go back for a fishing only trip and tap into the local guides but that will have to wait for another day. Below are some of the photos of the places I fished with the kids who had the best holidy in their lives (their words).

If you look closely at the last photo you might be able to see the lure in mid flight behind my back and the rod fully loaded in mid-cast. A great photo my wife took but a total fluke as she would have had only a fraction of a second for this image.

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Good one, Scienceman - glad you & the kids enjoyed the South Island - it really is NZ's best kept secret!! Never much traffic on the road, but busy little towns when you arrive in one ..... and you go thru one every 30 mins or so, not like AUssie Outback & 10hrs+ between towns!

Keith & I spent 5 weeks in the South Island about 20 years ago & just loved it. Would like to do it again now!

Glad you got into some fish - the lakes are gorgeous, aren't they? I tried to tempt South Island trout onto a hook & couldn't!! Those eels are amazing, eh? Did you feed them? THey can be quite aggressive!!



Great action pic taken by your wife! I was assuming you'd hooked yourself!wacko.gif

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