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saturday evening jew bash


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gday raiders,just got back from a quick jew bash with my mate joe and ended up with a couple of fish, almost the same catch as tuesday night only this time 2 jew and a snapper instead of three. we arrived later than we would have liked due to the bumper to bumper traffic on the way there but finally got to the ramp around 6pm (should have been there at 5.15)and headed straight to our spot. After about 1/2 hour I got a small bite on one of my rods and I picked up the rod and waited a few seconds, as the fish slowly swam off I lowered the rod so it could take the bait without feeling tension then struck hard and came up solid on a nice jew 68cm. Just as we landed my fish in the landing net joes rod buckled over and almost touched the water only to straighten again before he could get to it, It turned out that he had his drag nipped up a little too tight and the 20lb mono trace snapped! I ended up picking up another fish round 63cm when I noticed that the line had crossed another rod and was pointing in a completely different direction to the other rods as I went to wind it in to see what was going on I felt some weight and stuck hard and came up solid on another fish, toward the end of the night I managed another nice snapper of 35cm a twin of the one I caught on tuesday night. We bumped into twin1 and lumpookey (marcel and brother ray) on the water and it was good to catch up - they were still fishing when we left around 10pm and I hope they got some.


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68cm jew

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35cm snapper

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the entire catch in the esky.

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Hi Pete,

You have done well lately in the harbour on the jewies. Mate I haven't tried my MH spots for months. I think I am going to miss the whole jewie season this year because of work overload.

I would've thought some bigger models would've turned up by now in numbers. Bodes well at least for future years with so many smaller fish schooling in large numbers throughout so many different systems.


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