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Ray and Hutcho at Lobster Beach

Ray R

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:biggrin2: G,day Raiders, Hutcho and I took advantage of this beaut morning to go for a fish. We started out with a quick drift for a flattie and then decided to anchor up for the out going tide at Lobster Beach.

We started the berley going and right on queue the fish started to arrive. The fish were mainly little trevs with the odd bream and flattie showing up, one after the other the hard fighting little fellas were wrestled to the boat and released, sure was a fun morning.

As lunchtime approached we decided to call it a day and head back to the ramp with a few fish in the esky, they were only small but a feed, bream 28, trev 32 and flattie 41.

Nice day out and the last for a while for Hutch and I on the coast as we have a fantastic adventure looming just around the corner, I'll put another post up in 'Fishing Chat' about that though... :thumbup:

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G'day Ray,

nice feed there. Trevs are great fun on light gear. I've fished that area quite a few times without much luck, do you anchor in the channel? I've nearly been mowed down by the ferry a few times and it's very shallow out of the channel. I've caught squid in close to the rocks but not much else. Any tips would be appreciated.



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