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Nelson Bay


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Hi everyone

Sorry I dont post much as I tend to read all of your reports. They are great to read each night.

This weekend the brother in law has lent us his boat (txs Champ) so we intend to head to Nelsons Bay for a fish. The million dollar question is what spot(s) and where abouts? 16ft so we can head outside up to 2nm.

Any info would be appriecated. More after sports fish (i.e - kings etc) - Are there any current reports?

Are there any known fishing tackle shops up in that area that are fishraider fans?


Steve B

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Hey mate,

I may be able to help you out on this one. Here are a few tips.

Kingies: Try trolling halcos and deep divers around the headlands early and you will get kings, tuna, bonnies and salmon. I would also suggest getting livies at tomaree headland and then droping a few down there and also offshore near cabbage tree island. You will get Kings, Tailor, Salmon, Striped and maybe yellowfin tuna if your lucky.

Jewies: Get livies at Tomaree and if you ask me, head straight back up the Myall River and you will get some big big jews and Tailor under the Singing Bridge. Flick plastics around while you wait and you have a great chance at flatties and bream!

Tailor: Find the birds and use halcos and they will also be a by catch when using livies for the jews and kings.

Salmon: Same as Tailor but maybe even go around the corner to bennets beach and drift off the beach with livies and pilchard.

For the jewies make sure you ask "squizzy". he has just been up and caught some beat jews. Maybe PM him to get some other tips.


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The first island straight out from the heads.. (FISH THE BACKSIDE FIRST)

Its super easy to catch livies there. Then burley up, drop the livies and should get into the Kings..

If not move to the front side and fish the wash with soft. Got our biggest NSW snapper here. 3kg..

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Tom - Kurt - many thanks for the fishing tips.

On Saturday we had a bad start as we had a flat tyre then forgot about 1/2 the bungs, then forgot about the map, thne the motor started reving up and down. So we started trolling as you mentioned Tom and got stright onto a Bonito. Nice. But we ended up straight out to the first island and within 5 mintues had a couple of 40cm flatheads on board. Used pillys and squid. Then one of the guys was sick and we had to come back in. Wasnt that rough but more like a washing machine swell. Spent the next couple of hours inside and really only caught small sharks and some flounder. Once he came good we once again headed just outside. Then the wind died and was just tops - plently of fish (flathead/small snapper - 1 x bonito) then the other guy decided to have a chuck. Gees tough crowd and day.

Sunday was ecellant. No problems this time around and we ventured out to where Kurt mentioned. Tops - on it all day and around 10am we went around to the front of the island and was non stop small to mid size snapper and flatheads - 35-50cm. Most were keepers and around 50 fish for 1/2 day. Just ran out of bait and we had to get home.

Not alot of photos as we sent everything back. Great sports fishing and thanks to Tom and Kurt as we didnt have a clue on where to go. Much appriecated


Steve B

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Yeah inside the port can be very hit and miss unless you know exactly where to go.. What type of sharks? Normally get blind sharks inside.

The actual port now is very hard to fish since they brought in all the sanctuary zones. You can't even fish the bar. The most productive part once

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Still a few good fish mate, another spot for next time i would recommend (in the warmer months) the sandspit near Yacaba head at the end of jimmy's beach. Loads of monster whiting to 45cm and good flatties too!

Good work mate :thumbup:

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