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Another crackon Broken Bay Session


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Hit up Broken Bay this arvo with soem fresh mullet and squid in hope of a jew.

First cast got a nice 30cm Breambo.

2nd cast Im watching as the rod goes DOWN and baitrunner is screaming ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzZZZZZZZ...headshakes... ZZZzzzzzzZZZZ..... this is what I came for... He went right and I walked with him, after about 50m or so he stopped for more head shakes... I finally got some line back after 15mins he was washed over the first sand bar and into the adjoining gutter- another run ZZZzzzzZZZzzzz and then the leader parted! AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! there goes my jew gone!

Quickly retie hook onto ehats left of leader and chuck back out.

Yet another creaming run and I hook another goodun, this time leader parted as I was bout to beach the fish- def a jew could see the golden hues in the light from my lantern!


Put on a fresh leader paternosted 30lb with 3/0 suicide hooks and a big strip of mullet goes out into the yonder

Wait for a few mins then rod goes berko again- 10minute fight a 65cm MONSTER Taylor beached- this is the biggest taylor ive ever caught from this location after fishing it for over 7yrs and Im stoked!
... I even got my bait and hook back after some surgery and into the sand to bleed out.

Cast again and hook another Taylor- 1 nice 45cm landed safely.

Bled him and all was peachy till the rain set in and wind howling well over 20knots as predicted! so I called it a night.

A few piccies from the cleaning table on way home.



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Thanks Byron and Nathan for the replies- it was awesome to finally get the baitrunner screaming on a big fish for a change... was squealing like a pig @ one point :1fishing1:

I was thinking maybe my leader isnt quite up to the task- Im using Jinkai in 20/30lb and black magic in 40lb... I think I'll get some Ande pink in 50lb and give that a try, lol... surely I caanot keep getting busted on good fish every outing- seems to be the case... Whether im on LCR or georges or off the sand Im alwys getting busted big time- I guess it means Im doing something right- but maybe some part of my terminal gear is severely lacking... back to the drawing board I think and rethink leaders...

Will try again next week same spot maybe get lucky- dropping tide is best so Ive worked out but really anytime after sunset/dark is when the big boyz cvome out to play- and they play hard and I occasionally win a few myself.



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Hey brotha great read mate.that tailor is a cracker mate & not a bad consolation prize for loosing the jew.dont worry about those jew bustoffs,they will come,but only wen im fishn with ya.lol.like nath says,bad luck i think.as u knw,i use 30lb leadr max & never had probs wif the jinkai which i use too.mayb a matter of tryn diffrent rod angles to turn biggr fish in the longer battles.works for me.man i gota fish ths spot of yours dude.off to take kids to skool now.talk soon mate. Cheers johnny.

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A very nice consolation prize with that fat tailor, Anth.

Quickly retie hook onto ehats left of leader and chuck back out.

Yet another creaming run and I hook another goodun, this time leader parted as I was bout to beach the fish- def a jew could see the golden hues in the light from my lantern!

In the excitement of the moment, sometimes the little things are missed. Next time, remove any doubt and re-tie a completely new leader. It is easy to overlook scuffs and nicks in the leader when your hands are trembling in anticipation of a trophy fish. :biggrin2: Not to worry mate, they'll be there for you to nail next time. Good luck!



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