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John Dory


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Hey fellas

I have just had a pretty decent read at all the posts i could find about john dory, and in the hacking aswell. Can anyone give me any pointers now that the kingies have slowed i thought maybe i could try for some of these. I have looked at a few different websites many with articles by Gary Brown and i think that possibly a spot that looks worthwhile is costens point. But i have no idea what to do apparently small yellowtail and poddies are the go. On about a 2/0 or 3/0 hook in a paternoster or normal live bait rig. Apparently they dont fight so good so i was thinking 10-15 pound line 20 pound flouro leader. do they have teeth. I no they can be caught in the hacking but i don't have a clue. I thouht that the best time would be a high tide. And do you have to go at night or will i be fine in the daytime.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Mate, i havent actually caught a dory or tried before but i still have a few tips. Some good spots in the harbour are Balmoral, Clifton and where ever there is lots of livies, there is the chance of a dory being around. Just chuck a yakka out under a float and berley hard too. The by catch will be tailor, salmon, kingfish, Big Trevally and maybe even a jewie! Dory are quite rare and if you get one dont expect to keep pulling them in one after another.


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I have caught them before in the harbour around the Wed cakes on live yakkas pinned

through the back. I used 12lb mono line and 12lb flourocarb leader. No teeth to worry

about, and they taste absolutely great :thumbup:


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Have caught them in the Hacking but only as a by catch.

I have never fished for them as such, but all the ones I have caught

have taken undersize bream and tiny snapper

that were too small to register a decent bite.

They have not been hooked but would not let the small fish go

and were slipped gently into the landing net.


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Hi there! heres the formula ( structure+ baitfish= John dorry) you need clean water because it being a deep sea fish it does not like fresh water, you must keep the baitfish around, and your best bait is the smallest lifebait you can find, have one bait near the surface, one midway, and one a mtr of the bottom, use 12 pound line and 6/0 suicide really sharp hooks, have your baits in the water before sunrise and wait.... and wait.... and wait... and wait check your baits every 20 minutes because they will die from the cold etc, or the choppers will keep on taking them . try wharfs with deep water, set the line/ rod with very little drag, they will hook them selfs so theres no need to hold the rod, once they take the bait they will hold on to it hooked or not so strike and bring them to the surface slowly , use a landing net allways ! sometimes they spit the bait out on the last second , if your not catching anything else it does not mean that they are not feeding so wait...wait.... check the baits ... wait.. wait , good luck

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great tips guys i will hopefully try and get out one early morning next weekend :1fishing1: i don't have any baits now and im not organised enough for tomorow (i like planning my trips). Il give it a crack for sure though i can get my hands on some small yakkas so hopefully they will do the trick. Will be shore to report back after fishing.

Thanks again

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