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ahh the drummer


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hahahahha - 10lb line on pigs- you are nuts.

30lb tortue line, good knots, strong hooks and then you will nail them. Not to say you won't catch them on lighter gear- but the big Sows - they will dive deep instantly and try and bust you off, so locking the alvey and holding on is the required deeds.

Pigs are awesome fun

nanook, I have caught Drumer on 8 pound line and catching fish to 45cm, I was at shark Island cronulla and burleying towards the Island, as long as your away from the rocks you will fight them in, heaps of fun

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I use a snyder mt7144 and alvey 625b spooled with 20lb mono

I use a 7144 as well but the normal glass version ..... snyders are alot lighter and I feel it after a 3 hour session because I use my 20 y0 fibreglass 6"...together they are a fair weight!

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one day you will wake up to yourself!

busted knuckles ! lol

dunno how you think u use an alvey but busted knuckles was never relevant to me or my mates in 20yrs

have seen many a fool with an exploding eggbeater though

G'day MtColah,

I did quite a few years fishing the stones and saw many a veteran get bruised knuckles as a big pig or groper hit them while daydreaming.

Most alvey models used were not the locking type - they could be wound backwards.

I once was told of an incident when the knuckle dusting was so violent it broke one of the alvey handles clean off !

Alveys are needed when winching the fish up off the water for any great height. The 1:1 wind ratio is a necessity.

The eggbeaters will work OK until you need to lift the fish more than the rod length, then you're buggered, so only use eggbeaters when you're at water level - but then again, how often are you at water level when pig fishing ?

Probably not very often....

I would stick to the non-reversing type of alvey and lock that drag up. Some heavy braid main line, albrighted to a few metres of 10kg fluorocarbon, a small round sinker onto the hook and hang on.

No dusted knuckles, good control and the ability to lift the fish higher up than a rod length....

Good luck.

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