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The price is right

The Incredible Hull

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I wasn't sure to post this in the desperate & boatless section... anyway....

This is to boat owners out there - in relation to splitting costs with others on the boat during a session of fishing.

How much do you normally hit them up for? - assuming they only brought along their rod and tackle - so you provided everything + bait.

Just wanted to get some general figures. I personally was thinking $10 + they provide food.

Note: I'm not a tightass... some of my mates I don't charge at all as they are very mature and respectful. They offer without me asking and I refuse their money. But some are ungrateful unsavoury characters (but long time friends) and I want to charge them!

EDIT: LOL fyi - I didn't type "unsavoury characters" haha nice one to the Admins =P

Edited by dpham
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I wasn't sure to post this in the desperate & boatless section... anyway....

This is to boat owners out there - in relation to splitting costs with others on the boat during a session of fishing.

How much do you normally hit them up for? - assuming they only brought along their rod and tackle - so you provided everything + bait.

Just wanted to get some general figures. I personally was thinking $10 + they provide food.

Note: I'm not a tightass... some of my mates I don't charge at all as they are very mature and respectful. They offer without me asking and I refuse their money. But some are ungrateful unsavoury characters (but long time friends) and I want to charge them!

EDIT: LOL fyi - I didn't type "unsavoury characters" haha nice one to the Admins =P

Running a boat has it,s costs mate you shouldn,t have to ask to cover costs.



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I would NOT go on a friends boat without splitting costs, no friggin way.

Jim Bream once wouldnt take my money so I Said Im not going on the boat, He took the money and we went fishing and I felt better SIMPLE.

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If they're good friends just be honest with them and tell them you need to split costs... $10 sounds cheap but you know the costs for you boat.

Personally I wouldn't take guys fishing who didn't offer to share costs. The reality is I nearly always try to refuse because it all tends to even itself out in the end. My fishing mates are pretty much the same. I try wherever I can to give them money for costs.

It's pretty funny, I've even found cash hidden in my ashtray by mates who insisted on paying their share. I personally just had to sneak a substantial payment to another raider for his boat windscreen (I broke it by accident)... He wasn't going to accept the cash so I had to give it to a 3rd party and in the end he couldn't refuse the money even though he tried :biggrin2:

Cheers, Slinky

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I own a 4m tinny, it fishes 2 people comfortably.

Regular fishing buddies shout bait which would cost about $35, which I think is a fair trade for fuel and the opportunity to fish on a boat.

If invite few and far betweeners, I don't ask for or expect anything.

But if you have scum for mates that expect you to buy bait and take them out for nothing you need to be straight up.

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Another thing is these people don't realize they're digging their own grave, what I mean is, when I got out on a friends boat before I got my own, I insisted on giving cash or shouting bait because you know next time there's a place available you'll be one of the people that gets invited.

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Yeah I agree, $10 bucks is heaps too cheap! You have to split fuel, plus bait, plus its you that has to wash everything down and all the other little costs that add up for owning a boat. If you were just fishing the harbour for a day I would say absolute minimum $20 and that is being generous!

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It depends on the circumstances. If you are taking someone that you have met through fishraider etc, i think it is fair to split costs 50/50.

When it comes to actual good friends, I don't charge them anything, nor do i expect them to pay. In time they will take me on their boat, offer information etc so it all evens out.

Not trying to offend anyone but if you invite someone out for a fish and the trip only costs $20, i think it is poor form to ask for $10!

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I think it is just a matter of me growing balls to ask, which I will. I just didn't want to sound rude, but on the flip side I guess it goes both ways :biggrin2:

cheers for the responses guys :thumbup:

EDIT: to fishmaniac - just to add, its not just fishing on my boat... he sponges everything.

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I wasn't sure to post this in the desperate & boatless section... anyway....

This is to boat owners out there - in relation to splitting costs with others on the boat during a session of fishing.

How much do you normally hit them up for? - assuming they only brought along their rod and tackle - so you provided everything + bait.

Just wanted to get some general figures. I personally was thinking $10 + they provide food.

Note: I'm not a tightass... some of my mates I don't charge at all as they are very mature and respectful. They offer without me asking and I refuse their money. But some are ungrateful unsavoury characters (but long time friends) and I want to charge them!

EDIT: LOL fyi - I didn't type "unsavoury characters" haha nice one to the Admins =P

I look at it this way...

If i INVITE somebody out with me i do not expect and offer nor will i accept one, They are out with me because i thought about it, wanted them along as as such they are my GUEST. The same way some one will come over for dinner at my house and i do not expect a bottle of wine, a desert or any sort of payment, If i invite them to dinner then i want them to come and enjoy a dinner with me. However if its one of those "when are you going to take me out!" mates, and i dont particularly have the urge to take them out then yes, i Would like an offer of bait, food, fuel, case of piss afterwoods- WHATEVER... even at the very least hang around and help clean the boat- if not it will be their 1st and only time out. Then again some mates will bend over backwards to help me out, those guys might even be non fishers, as far as im concerned whats mine is there's and i never think of costs they are more than welcome for a social fish anytime rather than a serious fishing session.

I guess at the end of the day it matter who the person is and all I really want is the correct level of courtesy from a person at that level of friendship.

In any case, $10 is a CHEAP day on the water its the least they could offer if nothing else.



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hi all i agree with mutsy

if i invite them i dont expect anything just the way i am i guess but when you get the guy thats pestering you all the time to take them its a different story

i have never asked for money and guess what i dont get offered thing that gets me the most more than anything is not the money its the cleaning up this takes a few good hours and we all know how tired we are when we get home


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A couple of my best mates come with me sometimes and I refuse their offers of money because i know with their families they're doing it harder than me.

If it was a one off friend or acquaintance I'd have to give some thought to taking them again if they didn't offer something. It's a matter of manners, everyone know it costs money to run a boat and fish. I think decent people would offer an amount that's in their budget.

That said, there's always the fact you could be sponging them for info too so it all works out in the end :)

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That said, there's always the fact you could be sponging them for info too so it all works out in the end :)

I generally sponge from (in order): google, cut_loose (you rock dude), one of my best mates, and numerous other raiders in PMs + new threads/posts and searches.

This bloke I'm talking about won't know what a poddy is... the fact is I don't think he even has his own tackle :1yikes: But he's a long time friend.

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Yeah I agree, $10 bucks is heaps too cheap! You have to split fuel, plus bait, plus its you that has to wash everything down and all the other little costs that add up for owning a boat. If you were just fishing the harbour for a day I would say absolute minimum $20 and that is being generous!

Wow, looks like ive been going out with the wrong crowd. Last time I went out I paid $120 plus I bought a 30L fuel tank full of fuel and bought my own bait all my own gear and tackle. Also helped launch and do a bit of washing down on the boat.

I think ill need some new fishing buddies.

Cheers for the info raiders I thought in a way I was getting jipped but I was going fishing so didnt care all to much. But if this is how much it should be or even $50-$60 damn. Oh well I should have been more careful.



p.s: I guess some people take your kindness and generosity to be weakness and decide to really stab the nail in the coffin aye.

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I take a good mate fishing regularly on the harbour and botany over the last few years. He always throws me some cash for fuel and usually picks up the bait. Not so much for the boat's fuel but for the costs involved with getting the boat to the water as I live 1.5 hours from the bay. Fuel (boat and car), tolls, maintenance, rego and insurances add up. I do reluctantly take his offering.

I might have to reconsider after going on a yellow fin charter yesterday. He charted the boat for the day ( $1300 ) and took me along at no cost to myself ( in my circumstance, I could not afford it at the moment ) So after he Insisted I "reluctantly" went along. What are mates for! :1fishing1:

Cheers Stu! :thumbup:

Ill get ya back!

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wow I should invite you KingSpooled, I'll pay off the boat in no time lol kidding =P

for that price you'd be better off on a fishing charter :biggrin2:

Mate I would be more than happy to jump on a boat with you. Lol obviously have no problems sharing costs for everything and help cleaning, launching the boat. Just I need to find some new fishing buddies, Ive obviously been ripped sideways and ontop of that not to mention 80% of the time we went out the sounder wouldnt work... FAIL !

So yeah mate if you are interested in taking me out PM me :D



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Hi All.

Most of the time I take a mate along we usaly split the fuel and bait 50/50. But after reading some of the comment I may need to reconsider. Am I being unfair as I asked him to come along?

When I look at what it cost to run my boat for a day fishing.

I have a 525Cc with a 60merc. A day out to the peak or 12 mile and running around would cost close to 60 to 70ltrs at 1.45-1.50 per ltr then you need to add the oil at close to $40 for 4 ltrs( this might last for 6-8 trips) Then as we live at erskine park( I now live at Warragamba )And have to travel to smithfield to pick the boat up from work. So would do close to 150-200kms at a cost of close to $30-40. Then theres tolls at $8.80 each way(M5)Bait.these day you dont get much change from $50 for good stuff. All up close to $150 for the day.

Is 50/50 to much to ask for?

Let me know what you all think.

Would like the input.


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Hi All.

Most of the time I take a mate along we usaly split the fuel and bait 50/50. But after reading some of the comment I may need to reconsider. Am I being unfair as I asked him to come along?

When I look at what it cost to run my boat for a day fishing.

I have a 525Cc with a 60merc. A day out to the peak or 12 mile and running around would cost close to 60 to 70ltrs at 1.45-1.50 per ltr then you need to add the oil at close to $40 for 4 ltrs( this might last for 6-8 trips) Then as we live at erskine park( I now live at Warragamba )And have to travel to smithfield to pick the boat up from work. So would do close to 150-200kms at a cost of close to $30-40. Then theres tolls at $8.80 each way(M5)Bait.these day you dont get much change from $50 for good stuff. All up close to $150 for the day.

Is 50/50 to much to ask for?

Let me know what you all think.

Would like the input.


I reckon everything is relative. Whenever I take a mate fishing, I supply the transport, boat, fuel and lures (if required). I clean the boat and clean/prepare the fish. All they have to do is bring their own rods (although I can provide that too if necessary)and provide scintillating conversation :biggrin2: . BUT: my tinny runs on the smell of an oily rag and I live less than 10ks from any of my preferred fishing locations, so fuel costs are very minimal. If I was fishing under the circumstances you mentioned, then a 50/50 split is very reasonable IMO.



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Passengers should cover 50% of anything shared, unless you're inviting them.

If that first invite turns into a regular fishing partner I'm sure any decent person would try to pay their way.

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I think it is just a matter of me growing balls to ask, which I will. I just didn't want to sound rude, but on the flip side I guess it goes both ways :biggrin2:

cheers for the responses guys :thumbup:

EDIT: to fishmaniac - just to add, its not just fishing on my boat... he sponges everything.

sounds like you & me know the same person,unfortunately there are people out there who do this sort of thing all through their life, karma will catch up with them,I must be getting old as I now couldn't be bothered with them, life is too short , & remember..........."what you give out comes back ten times" !!!

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Hi All.

Most of the time I take a mate along we usaly split the fuel and bait 50/50. But after reading some of the comment I may need to reconsider. Am I being unfair as I asked him to come along?

When I look at what it cost to run my boat for a day fishing.

I have a 525Cc with a 60merc. A day out to the peak or 12 mile and running around would cost close to 60 to 70ltrs at 1.45-1.50 per ltr then you need to add the oil at close to $40 for 4 ltrs( this might last for 6-8 trips) Then as we live at erskine park( I now live at Warragamba )And have to travel to smithfield to pick the boat up from work. So would do close to 150-200kms at a cost of close to $30-40. Then theres tolls at $8.80 each way(M5)Bait.these day you dont get much change from $50 for good stuff. All up close to $150 for the day.

Is 50/50 to much to ask for?

Let me know what you all think.

Would like the input.


At the end of the day that is what it costs.

My mate and I do something similar. He has a permanent spot on the boat, and is welcome anytime. We wouldn't be able to fish as often as we do if the costs weren't split. Sometimes he asks me, sometimes I ask him. Either way he or I can say no. So you shouldn't feel as if you are "unfair" toward your mate for splitting running costs. Im sure he appreciates the opportunity to fish (relatively cheaply) on a regular basis from a nice boat.

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Hi All.

Most of the time I take a mate along we usaly split the fuel and bait 50/50. But after reading some of the comment I may need to reconsider. Am I being unfair as I asked him to come along?

When I look at what it cost to run my boat for a day fishing.

I have a 525Cc with a 60merc. A day out to the peak or 12 mile and running around would cost close to 60 to 70ltrs at 1.45-1.50 per ltr then you need to add the oil at close to $40 for 4 ltrs( this might last for 6-8 trips) Then as we live at erskine park( I now live at Warragamba )And have to travel to smithfield to pick the boat up from work. So would do close to 150-200kms at a cost of close to $30-40. Then theres tolls at $8.80 each way(M5)Bait.these day you dont get much change from $50 for good stuff. All up close to $150 for the day.

Is 50/50 to much to ask for?

Let me know what you all think.

Would like the input.


Mate that sounds pretty fair to me, $75 each way and helping too launch and clean the boat afterwards and a few cold ones after the trip. I dont own a boat but yeah that too me would sound very fair.

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