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strange catches?


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This guy that was fishing next to me and dad a couple of years ago at La Perouse threw out a ganged pillie and the pollie flicked off. He was angry and reeled it in really quickly, but the clown cast straight at some divers who clearly had their diving bouy out. He hooked a guy on the shoulder, lol i thought he was going to deck him was so funny

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We caught one of those damn terns beach fishing a couple of weeks ago at Windang, he jumped on the pilli, just as i cast into the surf, (heaaaavy cast) the botton gang hook slipped inside his leg tag ring. not a happy bird, :ranting2: struggled and bit me the little s***, but got him off eventually. made the :wife::074: though

Edited by piratesgold
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My best catch would have to have been a possum.. I reeled my line in and sat the rod down while I was fiddling with my thermos and noticed my rod taking off sideways along the bank I jumped up grabbed it and then realized the extremely ticked off possum on the other end..... After 20 minutes of untangling his paw I ran away faster than he did lol

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When we were marlin fishing in Cabo we hooked a dead weight, reeling it in we found it was a turtle, and when we got it to the boat we found it was actually two turtles mating! the male certainly wasn't letting the female go that easily...

Also a few nights ago while trying for squid a 40cm tailor smashed my squid jig, was stuck firmly down his throat so I was able to land him! I had more success trying to catch bait than the actual fishing the next day, go figure haha.

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