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a trip to heartbreak mountain


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hi guys,

well it started nearly 2 weeks ago when the grapevine was running hot with the arrival of big bluefin.

work ,family and life in general kept getting in the way and with my stress levels running like krakatoa and a sleepless sunday night after seeing the 130 bf a decision was quickly made..

seeing the bad weather was rollin in tuesday was looking like a possible last shot at these massive barrels out wide...

headed off later than expected due to a late arrival around 9am a quick 2 drops for zip at the 12... yep ya read that right no jackets or even a pickhandle,not that we gave it mach anyhows..

set course for heatons dropped a spread at the shelf and trolled in what could be described as the fishiest conditions ive seen for a long time...

bugger all swell,overcast etc.. passed wide of browns saw prob 8 or so boats on the mount and kept on to heatons where there was good water hopefully still.

finally got there and trolled a great temp break of about 2 deg over a mile maybe a bit wider than heatons..

heard about the fin on in closer but we kept at this good water for a while..

finally decided to drift a trail back into the break but after about half hr temptation got us and fin of any sort is better than none..

high tailed it at a rate on knots to fishier waters still wide of browns and jigs and cubes deployed..

we were prob only looking at an hrs cube as suns setting by now so hopes were not high but the witching hr was apon us...

i hear a guy say i think i got a bump,yeh mate check ya pilly then as he pullys in my mate is on next to him and it moved of like a medium sized alby......

well after a few minutes of increasing power he was on backing and we chased it down.line back on real so i feed a pilly out and 30 metres or so out my line starts screamin off like a bat outa hell..

notch up the drag hoping circle finds its mark then bang woooohoooooooooooo..

my mate was again in trouble line wise and this was obviously no alby but a fish of a lifetime so i scramble up the bow nearly getting pulled in twice..

i could hear down back my mate screamin his way into backing and its not slowing so i decide if any fish is to be landed i have to go hard from ther get go.

god this things hammering me now and it start heading towards back again.. nooooooo stop i scream angle rod finger spool pray to gods and it turns after some hefty head shakes..

i have prob got around 200+meters out by now but have 250 left so no worries except keeping both fish apart.. my first double and on my pat malone up front...

fish goes deep i nearly get pulled over with wobbly rail locked drag but he turns from under and goes wide towards eds fish again...not again i think,repeat the process and bugger this things alot bigger than i first thought as the yf were only schoolies others got earlier..

went deep but screamin again turns towards back with power not slowing,then he slows and i have him stopped with massive head shakes then................ POP.......... yep ya prob heard me say some rather colorful words around 6pm 30 miles back in sydney....

gutted was not fitting a word..

by the time i got out back my mates fighting his with no handle as it broke off.. i quickly compose myself and help tear the boat apart looking for a solution meanwhile ed keeps gaining inches handlining then losing it all again...

anyhows ya prob already heard about that with anths post but after 3 hrs we won and i was sooooo glad we got to see it as it helped heal my pain of losing a similar fish of a lifetime...

only cure is to land one so hopefully if work doesnt get in the way i will find the antidote next week....


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A crackin' read, Steve! :thumbup: To battle a behemoth of that calibre under such trying conditions ... what an experience. I hope there's another one out there with your name on it mate, and the Gods smile favorably on your equipment ... and your gaff man.



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Read about this story from another crew member out that day, the dude with the cactus reel handle... unbelievable stuff!!

It is indeed a pity yours got away, but big high 5 for the team effort bringing in the one on busted gear.

You'll get yours in time, no doubt.

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