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Land based fishing from Pearl Beach N.S.W

Terry G

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Hi fellow fisho,s My name is Terry G from Greystanes in Sydney,s West. My neighbour and i are planning a fishing trip to Pearl Beach and would like to hear from fellow members who may have fished there recently. what are we likely to catch?,what are the best tides to fish in? and what types of bait should we use?. Any tips would be appreciated...Cheers Terry G.

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hi mate

i spent many years fishing around peal beach,in particular off the rocks at the southern end.

off the rocks i suggest fishing a whole pilli on a set of gang hooks under a float, this rig will account for tailor and the odd king that frequent the area. off the beach i tend to use half a pilli on a patonosta rig.

hope that helps mate

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Pearly is not really a surf beach although the swell does hit it if it's from the south to south-east. The water drops off quite deep very quickly with no banks to speak of really and there is sometimes a heavy shore break. It is a well known spot for Jew if your lucky and livies or good fresh squid is premium. As already mentioned using pillies will likely attract tailor, flatties and even different species of shark. Hammerhead are known to be pretty thick around the mouth of the river as well as shovel-nose rays etc.

You could also use Hawkesbury prawns for bream.

The rock ledge at the Western end, out past the old rock pool (the beach faces south), used to be a top spot for schools of yellowtail so throwing one out couldn't hurt. If your down that end you can walk around the point to Flathead beach which is also a good spot for similar species. There used to be nights when you could smell jewfish on the water. Me and the mates used to go over to the fish shop at Patonga and buy his fresh squid straight off the trawler, then go to Pearly or Flathead for the night.

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Pearly is not really a surf beach although the swell does hit it if it's from the south to south-east. The water drops off quite deep very quickly with no banks to speak of really and there is sometimes a heavy shore break. It is a well known spot for Jew if your lucky and livies or good fresh squid is premium. As already mentioned using pillies will likely attract tailor, flatties and even different species of shark. Hammerhead are known to be pretty thick around the mouth of the river as well as shovel-nose rays etc.

You could also use Hawkesbury prawns for bream.

The rock ledge at the Western end, out past the old rock pool (the beach faces south), used to be a top spot for schools of yellowtail so throwing one out couldn't hurt. If your down that end you can walk around the point to Flathead beach which is also a good spot for similar species. There used to be nights when you could smell jewfish on the water. Me and the mates used to go over to the fish shop at Patonga and buy his fresh squid straight off the trawler, then go to Pearly or Flathead for the night.

+2 for shovelnose, from a boat I've had a bit of luck with flathead but lots of shovelnose as by catch last time i fished it i changed from bait to plastic avoid the shovels

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live worms on with a light sinker around dawn or dusk will get you a good bag of bream and whiting. lots of undersized whiting and bream but you get the odd big fish to 40cm too! Tailor and salmon off the rocks at this time of year.

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G'day Terry

I've stayed at a mates house on numerous occassions and have had some luck, and seen some pretty cool sights at Pearly.

From my mates balcony, there is an excellent view of the whole beach, so if we're keen we have a drink on the balcony early morning from first light and wait and watch. Pretty much without fail we'll spot a feeding school of taylor/salmon, given away by diving birds. Then its simply a matter of casting slices at em.

I've also had luck flicking placcies for flatties. Generally better during summer. You get them generally close in, on the edges of the sandy washes (as its a shore break beach try casting slightly diagonal rather than straight out - then you'll cover more good water per cast).

Once I was fishing with only hardbodies off the south rocks and saw the biggest blue groper ive ever seen. Must have been 10+ kilos... probably a lucky thing I didn't have anything to tempt him on, as I was using a 6-10 lb loomis flick stick... no chance.

If you bait fish remember to spread your baits around a little. From experience most of the action requires a VERY short cast (ie less than 20m, sometimes half that!!!!) If you cast waaaay out you'll probs only hook sharks, rays and shovel noses.

Due to the usual lack of current a bit of finely mashed burley would be an excellent idea, and could be very effective... hint hint.

Hope this helps

Good luck


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Go Greastanes!

I live there as well mate, me and some mates use to fish there as well trying to get a Jewie we had some good runs but no luck. we use to catch good size taylor salmon and some Port Jacks.

We only fished at night and used either fresh squid and small live taylor when we caught them.

Good luck next time your up there, the jews are there!!

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