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Saturday King


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Was up nice and early with Joel, at the ramp by 4.30. Picked a Sean up from Gunnamatta Bay, the headed to fill the tank with livies.

With the tank full we set our way out to drop the new electric at the mountain. 7km out from Browns we spotted a floating object, I put out a quick spread and within minutes the Stella was screaming, a rat king.

Under the floating timber was hundreds of kings that we jigged and popped but they were all under size. I noticed a larger one trying to eat one of the rats, so Corey dropped a yakka deep, the Stella was off and the end result after good driving and gaffing by the boys was a 20kg beast.

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Was up nice and early with Joel, at the ramp by 4.30. Picked a Sean up from Gunnamatta Bay, the headed to fill the tank with livies.

With the tank full we set our way out to drop the new electric at the mountain. 7km out from Browns we spotted a floating object, I put out a quick spread and within minutes the Stella was screaming, a rat king.

Under the floating timber was hundreds of kings that we jigged and popped but they were all under size. I noticed a larger one trying to eat one of the rats, so Corey dropped a yakka deep, the Stella was off and the end result after good driving and gaffing by the boys was a 20kg beast.


so hard to find one that size around Sydney these days.

are you putting it in for COTM? its got my vote

Cheers, Stan

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Hey MrJ031,

Awesome kingie.

They do occur in deeper water up to the shelf (on the bottom) but I didn't know they can be found under debris well out to see like that.

Curious that there was just one big kingie amongst the school.

Looks like he's got a cookie-cutter wound healing there - has he ?

So did you make it to the mountain for an electric drop ?

If so, how did you go ?


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hey all,

Yes he had a hit from a cookie cutter, on his rear..

he was the only big one we found in the school, he was super aggressive as was nailing every 60cm king we caught once he was fired up,...

had a drop for 0's on the mountain... was too stoked to drop more then 3x as i wonted to get home with his bad boy!

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Wow what a Beast!

pls excuse my ignorance, but what is a cookie cutter?

Hey Goos,

A cookie cutter is a shark that takes small round bites out of its prey. The bites resemble those made by a cookie cutting device. You'll see a wound near the rear of the kingfish. When they're fresh the bites are usually perfectly round.

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GOOS, a cookie cutter is a shark. They are pretty awesome little things and get their name from the cookie shape cut they make from feeding. A perfect circle of about 50mm or there abouts and about 20mm deep is cut out of the fish. If you go to the fish markets you may see them on Tuna, Broadies, Marlin and kingies. They also love to take chunks out of certain whales and dolphins. They only seem to attack the pelagics.

They sorta suck onto their prey and spin around using their teeth to cut the flesh. Their teeth compared to their body size are almost the biggest of all sharks and are twice the height compared to body size than a Great White. Think there is also a story of them attacking submarines. The US Navy had problems. If you goggle it youll find the story.

Edited by finin
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Hey Goos,

To add more info on the cookie cutter shark...

Its a small shark like the size of your arm.

It glows in the dark and when predatory fish get close to investigate the glow, the cookie cutter shark spins around and takes the bite.

The pelagic fish then take off in fright....

The sharks have awesome teeth on their lower jaw but their upper jaw is nothing special.

Weird creatures for sure...

That would make normal sharks more like pizza sharks then....


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