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Fishing Perth


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With the :wife: overseas I decided to visit friends in Perth. Caught the Indian Pacific on Saturday , arrived Tuesday . The trip included tours of Adelaide & Kalgoorlie whilst the train was being serviced.

There were other stops one being at Cook in the middle of the Nullarbor. The sign reads ,

Population , 5 people , 2 dogs , 3 cats & 2 million flies

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Went crabbing in the Swan River on Thursday. Laid 10 traps then back to the first checking if any takers. We did the circuit about 5 times pulling in around 30 crabs of which most were undersize but did manage a good feed.

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Friday headed off shore. Managed 2 keeper Whiting , moved to the weed bed for squid but no luck. Anchored up & with the burley running soon had the fish about . With the exception of 2 good size garfish the rest were throw backs.

All in all , a great time


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