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Not happy with Water Police


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Guys just looking for a few opinions here.

I was out fishing the harbour today, on the way back home, came across some schools around the Opera House and Harbour Bridge.

Now I know that there is a no loitering and no stopping zone.

It stretches from Blues Point, to the Opera House.

So myself and two other fished on the legal zone catching a few salmon. Whenever a ferry would come, we would move out of the way. Motor was never turned off. But then Water Police come and we had a slight disagreement before taking all my details and making me move on. Claiming it was a transit zone (isn't the whole harbour a transit zone).

Now I was not happy, because we had taken all the measures to not break the law and avoid any situations. Really ruined a good days fishing.


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I have an opinion. From what you describe, (schools around the opera house and harbour bridge) you were in the transit zone (there are plenty of maps, showing the limits of the zone - and No, the entire harbour isn't a transit zone under the definition) or close enough to it to become a nuisance and danger to the extremely busy navigation in that area. A ferry, charter or water taxi should not be obliged to dodge around a boat which is fishing in the entry to, or surrounds of Circular quay. They cannot rely on the fact that your motor is running and you may/will or not get out of the way. The transit zone is there for a reason, and as the area is a funnel for hundreds of vessels a day, it can be a dangerous place to do the unexpected - like fishing!!!

The MSB state "In the transit zone which is marked by signage, vessel masters/skippers are not permitted to stop or drift, and must not exceed 15 knots. Penalties apply."

Lucky you just got a warning. IF you were in the zone, you should have been fined and if you were just out of the zone and still presented a danger to shipping, you can still be asked to move on and if you disobey a reasonable direction by the Police, then things can get interesting for you.

Edited by stormy
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Unless your bein a dick (meaning people in general) i have found both the water police and marintine are really helpfull and dont cause too much of a fuss most cases they will warn you and let you on your way.

I would think to myself that i was lucky nothing else came of it



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Most of the waterways, fisheries or water police officers are just doing there job, and are fair and reasonable people. Except for these two clowns from Fisheries that decided to storm up to me while I was downrigging between the moored boats and in the process nearly snapped one of my rods, they were very embarrassed by their incompetence, and apologised.

The Waterways officer that come up to me in the Hawkesbury warning me that the bridge to bridge race was going to start was really polite, and wasn't forceful but genuinely was concerned for my safety, and told me it's best to steer clear of the main channel.

Spend enough time on the water and you'll meet polite and rude officers.

I just wish they would stop looking to fine people for not carrying their fishing licence (what a joke), and get out there and focus on educating the novice fisher-people on bag and size limits. Lets face it what serious fisho is interested in keeping undersize fish, yet fisheries waste their time pulling up a 5.5m bass boat just to flex their muscles.

Regarding your situation Kurt, mate I'm just not sure of the level of discretion the officers can use with regards to moving you on. I personally like knowing where I legally stand, and it does get annoying if the officers appears to be just giving you a hard time, and making it up as they go along... but if you were in a transit zone... you were fair game.


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Sorry Kurt you were in the wrong buddy... I know quite a bit about the water rules. (brother in the cops). When I get propped by the authorities, even if I know I'm right, I don't argue... It only ends in tears and can be quite costly.... If you ever get spoken to for doing something wrong when your were in the right, just walk away and take it up with the bosses of the agency you dealt with or call the Nsw ombudsman. Thats what they are there for!!

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If you look at maps the transit zone stretches from kiribilli point to the opera house. At all times we were outside (east of) this zone. So legally we were in the right. We did move out of the way every time, maybe they should think of extending it to Mrs macquarie's?

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If they believe you are in the way or could be a hazard, a danger to yourself or others then they have every right to move you on no matter where you are.

Yeah fair call, we did move after we were told. I would have been majorly pissed if they had of given us a fine, but as it happened, they didn't. It is frustrating the amount of times fish bust up in that zone!

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If you look at maps the transit zone stretches from kiribilli point to the opera house. At all times we were outside (east of) this zone. So legally we were in the right. We did move out of the way every time, maybe they should think of extending it to Mrs macquarie's?


Mate reading the other post I got the opinion you were inside the zone. If you were east of the line the yes you were "legally" in the right... But and it's a big but... The water police may have recieved complaints or something and if they deem that you were causing an obstruction.. Or posing a potential danger to others... Then they do have the power to move you on regardless...

I hope that helps a little bit..

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I think what kurt was saying is that the whole transit zone is from blues to opera house, not that we were in those places. We were east of kirribilli the whole time. I wasn't trying to be a smartass in my post, just saying that, on the whole that area does get a lot of traffic, and perhaps they should extend the transit zone to get rid of the grey area that we found ourselves in. If it were to be extended to fort denison say, there wouldn't have to be any ambiguity.

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Guest Aussie007

have a marine GPS on board with a maritime map of the area if u know your in the right than show the officers if your in the wrong u should know it and shouldnt be there

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Having not seen where you were it is difficult to say much other than this:

1) If you were inside the exclusion zone then you were in the wrong and have no right to complain

2) If you were not in the exclusion zone, it would not be the first time the water police have bugged someone and tried to make a big issue out of absolutely nothing.

Earlier this year some ass was keeping rat kings. I decided to say something and got bait thrown at me and yelled at :ranting2:

So I thought instead of throwing knife jigs at their boat - which i was very tempted - I moved away and called the water police to report the incident.

I then moved to Nielson park to get away from these fools and see if the water police showed up.

They did not show after two hours.

I was then approached by them and was requested to have check of my safety gear... That ended in a lot of :ranting2::ranting2::ranting2: and no safety check.....

So I can feel your pain if you are in the right

Edited by fishmaniac
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I think what kurt was saying is that the whole transit zone is from blues to opera house, not that we were in those places. We were east of kirribilli the whole time. I wasn't trying to be a smartass in my post, just saying that, on the whole that area does get a lot of traffic, and perhaps they should extend the transit zone to get rid of the grey area that we found ourselves in. If it were to be extended to fort denison say, there wouldn't have to be any ambiguity.

Even if they move the zone you're only moving the grey area with it. Operating a vessel close to the borders of the zone always carries the risk your position will be deemed "too close" and you'll be asked to move on. While lines on a map may define the legal limits, for practical purposes they'll often ask you to leave to save having to fine you if you do accidentally cross the line. I'll take a friendly (or even smart ass) warning over a fine any day :biggrin2:

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There's many variables one can only guess at behind the water police action. The time of day could have been on the cusp of peak traffic in that zone, a ferry master could have complained, harbour control could have requested them to move you on if there was a ship coming down the channel (while it was still approaching the harbor entry) or simply because the were concerned.

You may be a responsible, experienced skipper but they have to act like you're the lowest common denominator and a complete nong. Yesterday, last week, last shift or an hour ago they could of had some nitwit doing the wrong thing and you got moved on because of the "not again" factor.

When it happens to me I just suck it up, have a chat, be nice and not let it bother me.

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Yeah so as Royts has said we were always outside the zone..

I think when we were pulled over we were in the bay behind the opera house.

We weren't really given an explanation and the water police guy asked us what we were doing?

It must have been pretty obvious with someone on a casting deck with a fly rod..

Ha but I assume a complaint came from a ferry master. They complain about everything.

I deal with them daily and they aren't very tolerant

Edited by Kurt Thomas
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Guest Aussie007

it is there license,career,job and everything they own on the line if they run u over and they didnt do anything about u being there

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have a marine GPS on board with a maritime map of the area if u know your in the right than show the officers if your in the wrong u should know it and shouldnt be there

Hi Gazza,

I have Navionics in my iphone but didn't show or mark any transit zone in this app.


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yeah im with the cranky old ferry driver they have a hard job on weekends with alot of clowns around and some think there driving a super tanker not a ferry lol and they luv there 5 horn blows lol

Mate, ferry drivers are Cowboys.

Worst thing is, there is even more of them now.

I heard a figure that each ferry looses in excess of 35000 a week.

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