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Prop Need Repair?


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Hi alls,

Accidentally hit the submerged rock near kirribili point due to someone moored on the middle of waterway and mislead me. Anyway, prop damaged (fortunately the bottom of hull just scratched a bit) and not sure if can be repaired or to buy new one. Here is the pix:

post-3246-023615800 1321595467_thumb.jpg

Anyone know who repair prop or just go to any panel beater or smash repair shop.

If need to buy new one, what should be the spec for Johnson 2 stroke 90hp and the boat is stacer 525.

Cheers, phil

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Pics not great.

Is it stainless?

Hi Onajewagain,

Its not stainless. Its look like aluminium alloy with black coating. I tried to use plier to bend it back but too hard. Not too confident use hammer to beat it so didn't try. Not really hands on this stuff.

Cheers, Phil

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Rid yourself of it and chuck a stainless on.

Huey marine is an Evi dealer so can probably help.

I tried straitening a prop years ago and broke it. Put the stainless on and haven't looked back.

Some metal workers will have a crack, but props need to be as balanced as a tailshaft on a car, if not you will get shudders, bearing wear and blown seals.

Talk to a marine tech first, but you might/probably have problems if you get a bodge repair done.

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Rid yourself of it and chuck a stainless on.

Huey marine is an Evi dealer so can probably help.

I tried straitening a prop years ago and broke it. Put the stainless on and haven't looked back.

Some metal workers will have a crack, but props need to be as balanced as a tailshaft on a car, if not you will get shudders, bearing wear and blown seals.

Talk to a marine tech first, but you might/probably have problems if you get a bodge repair done.

And with a stainless prop, if you ever hit a rock again instead of damaging your prop u will damage your gearbox. Stainless prop is like getting a stainless steel sacrificial anode IMO, the piece of metal in the direct firing line is no longer the weakest point.


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And with a stainless prop, if you ever hit a rock again instead of damaging your prop u will damage your gearbox. Stainless prop is like getting a stainless steel sacrificial anode IMO, the piece of metal in the direct firing line is no longer the weakest point.


Not really, rubber bush should spin, or the motor will stall. Gear boxes are tough, you would need to hit a few rocks to do significant damage.

Hit a rock at higher revs, yeah it will break something.

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A lot of hype surrounding Stainless props. Big engines will begin to straighten out alloy props a bit at high speed hence the need for a stronger material. A 90hp wont do this. It is true, if you hit a rock with a stainless prop you have have a far greater chance of damaging gearbox/leg casing than with a alloy prop.

With regards to your prop, bit hard to tell whats damaged from the pics but unless there is a serious bend just file of the rough edges and try it. If you loose top speed/the prop cavitates have it repaired. Many boat places will be able to/recomend someone to weld it up.

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