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Teaching newbie with great success!


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Hey Raiders, been a little while since my last post but iv been busy entertaining a guest! my mate form back home in the UK, Angus, has moved out with us indefinitely and seeing what an awesome time ive been having the past year he wanted to learn how to fish! and so even though every time i have taken him the weather has been against us we've caught fish! so here goes. firstly i took him to Cronulla on nice calm over cast day, which soon turned into a howling wind and horizontal rainy day! but with a quick lesson in baiting up and casting he was off, and within less than a minute of his first wet line he was on! Boom first cast, first fish, And a hefty bream! bet he thought this fishing stuff was easy! :)

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we didnt stay long as the weather closed in and we only managed a small flatty in the next hour.

and so our next adventure took us to the stones where we tried for some blackfish. i turned up to the mark an hour and a half early to check the swell and conditions which were ok, very wet but ok, and so i started fishing, and hour and a half and not a down. Angus turns up. a quick lesson in baiting weed and where to cast and what too look for, 2nd drift and ERRRRR RIKKI I THINK IV CAUGHT THE BOTTOM??? err no you havnt you plank haha which he soon realized when his first ever blackfish started going nuts, and so with some frantic lessons in how to land a black fish in the swell which probably did more harm than good in that i just confused the hell out of him he landed it. 40cm on the nose! what a cracking first blackfish! wihtin 20 mins Bomm the jammy buggers on again! but not a blackfish???? a DRummer! he lands it im stoked for him! and he's loving it. he went on to get two more blackies, tallying a total of 3 blackies and a drummer, i got one all evening and our mate cobba12 nilled.

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Angus is on fire and loving it and i think its fair to say he's hooked, which a great feeling for me..love it.

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Hey Rikki....great work teaching Angus but its not like you to put up a report and not have you holding a trophy fish for the camera :thumbup:

Anyways its good to see you back from the UK and looking forward to getting in touch soon to go out for some blackfish. :biggrin2:

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Ricky AKA Angus's Dad is what you forgot to say.

Raiders let me give you the other side of the trip as I was there.

Ricky was making me laugh so much on the trip because every time Angus hooked a fish Ricky went into "Father mode".

What is "Father mode" you ask. Well it is when a perfectly normal non father gets all dad on his un-suspecting mate. Every time there was a hook-up to Angus Ricky would start with the over the top instructions and shouting and carrying on. I think Angus caught so many because he was worried he would disappoint his dad if he did not.

I even shouted at one point to Angus "listen to your father". I dont think he could hear because he was so focused on landing his fish and following his fathers instructions.

By the way I did catch nothing that day but managed another 13 over the weekend and I landed them like a pro Ricky "Dad"

Hahaha Enjoy

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Ricky AKA Angus's Dad is what you forgot to say.

Raiders let me give you the other side of the trip as I was there.

Ricky was making me laugh so much on the trip because every time Angus hooked a fish Ricky went into "Father mode".

What is "Father mode" you ask. Well it is when a perfectly normal non father gets all dad on his un-suspecting mate. Every time there was a hook-up to Angus Ricky would start with the over the top instructions and shouting and carrying on. I think Angus caught so many because he was worried he would disappoint his dad if he did not.

I even shouted at one point to Angus "listen to your father". I dont think he could hear because he was so focused on landing his fish and following his fathers instructions.

By the way I did catch nothing that day but managed another 13 over the weekend and I landed them like a pro Ricky "Dad"

Hahaha Enjoy

Haha i admit i was a little frantic with the instructions but the boy learns quickly which is lucky as he would have been sent to his room after a good old spanking if not :)

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If its the spot I am thinking (the background is enough) its the luderick ledges at MacKenzies, the lowdown on this spot is that while a consistent producer of fish it is not recommended for a beginner on their own. Why? It is low and slopes towards the south west the Eastern point isa swell magnet so any thing above a 1.25 metres from the E/NE becomes dicey any southerly swell over .75metres and I give it a good look and if its building to bigger I go to the boot on the Bondi side. The up onthis place is when its fishable andthe fish are on (they have been since January this year with very few lulls in their schooling here which is unusual as it lulls in August September) is that there are always other anglers there and many of the guys are old hands who if approached in the right manner will help out. Just be aware it is a dangerous spot my mate was killed there 14 years ago next to me, my father broke his leg when it got caught in one of the many crevices on the ledge and almost went in. I know a lot about this place and have fished it reguarly for the last 20 years PM me if you want more specific details but in general fish it on a dropping tide with a NE swell of about 1 metre if theres no wash the fish will go out very wide over the sand and can be hard to get they are there you have to be patient.


well done on the catch there mate good to see shes still firing and I'll be down there soonish! As soon as the Doc gives me the all clear!

Edited by luderick -angler
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If its the spot I am thinking (the background is enough) its the luderick ledges at MacKenzies, the lowdown on this spot is that while a consistent producer of fish it is not recommended for a beginner on their own. Why? It is low and slopes towards the south west the Eastern point isa swell magnet so any thing above a 1.25 metres from the E/NE becomes dicey any southerly swell over .75metres and I give it a good look and if its building to bigger I go to the boot on the Bondi side. The up onthis place is when its fishable andthe fish are on (they have been since January this year with very few lulls in their schooling here which is unusual as it lulls in August September) is that there are always other anglers there and many of the guys are old hands who if approached in the right manner will help out. Just be aware it is a dangerous spot my mate was killed there 14 years ago next to me, my father broke his leg when it got caught in one of the many crevices on the ledge and almost went in. I know a lot about this place and have fished it reguarly for the last 20 years PM me if you want more specific details but in general fish it on a dropping tide with a NE swell of about 1 metre if theres no wash the fish will go out very wide over the sand and can be hard to get they are there you have to be patient.


well done on the catch there mate good to see shes still firing and I'll be down there soonish! As soon as the Doc gives me the all clear!

Very well put mate.

Need to be very careful there.

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Very well put mate.

Need to be very careful there.

Not wrong buddy I almost come a cropper there a few times when a bigger than average for the day set has wrapped around the point, problem is with a NE swell you look out to sea at your flaot and the water comes in from your left so your constantly having to be aware of the water andfloat in two different directions! Beauty of the area is you can fiah either side in either swell.

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yeah it can be dodgy, i tend to stand to the right (towards tama) and cast left to face the incoming swell but you still get caught out every now an then. if there is a few you its better, more eyes on the swell :) last week was seriously calm though so was perfect to teach Angus. we just had to put up with the rain :1badmood:

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yeah it can be dodgy, i tend to stand to the right (towards tama) and cast left to face the incoming swell but you still get caught out every now an then. if there is a few you its better, more eyes on the swell :) last week was seriously calm though so was perfect to teach Angus. we just had to put up with the rain :1badmood:

We also had to put up with him catching and us not.

I did ask him at one point if he could swim. I don't think he new why. Had he caught another one I think he would have worked it out.


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yeah it can be dodgy, i tend to stand to the right (towards tama) and cast left to face the incoming swell but you still get caught out every now an then. if there is a few you its better, more eyes on the swell :) last week was seriously calm though so was perfect to teach Angus. we just had to put up with the rain :1badmood:

Yeah there has bee na lack of swell whicj=h is good safety wise for that place, my issue is all the backpackers that see the regulars getting into the and come down wit h6 ft spinning rigs trying to fish 12ft deep wit ha fixed float in thongs thye really are just asking for it there! That part of the ledge you mention is where my mate got killed he actualy got washed in surfed back up lookwed at us waved i'm okay and the next setsmashed head first into the ledges behind knocking him cold and taking him back in the drink by the time the surf rescue guys from Tama got over he had drowned. I love that place but tend to fish it weekedays as the access is way too easy and it gets too many idiots on the ledge plus the kids that insist on coming up there to aliunch off on their boards! :1badmood:

Cobba I have asked a few blokes that question over when they get on my wrong side or just barge into the middle of the wash and a line up fishing the drift a lot don't get it most peole these days have forgeotten th rules of fishing for luderick in a crowd its like the unwritten rules of nymphing the pools on the Tongariro get in line wait your turn!!! :biggrin2:

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Yeah there has bee na lack of swell whicj=h is good safety wise for that place, my issue is all the backpackers that see the regulars getting into the and come down wit h6 ft spinning rigs trying to fish 12ft deep wit ha fixed float in thongs thye really are just asking for it there! That part of the ledge you mention is where my mate got killed he actualy got washed in surfed back up lookwed at us waved i'm okay and the next setsmashed head first into the ledges behind knocking him cold and taking him back in the drink by the time the surf rescue guys from Tama got over he had drowned. I love that place but tend to fish it weekedays as the access is way too easy and it gets too many idiots on the ledge plus the kids that insist on coming up there to aliunch off on their boards! :1badmood:

Cobba I have asked a few blokes that question over when they get on my wrong side or just barge into the middle of the wash and a line up fishing the drift a lot don't get it most peole these days have forgeotten th rules of fishing for luderick in a crowd its like the unwritten rules of nymphing the pools on the Tongariro get in line wait your turn!!! :biggrin2:

I fish it during the week mostly as well for less people and its just better for all.

I must admit i do see so many people with no idea. I have asked a few people to back up or watch the swell to have them laugh at me and nod.

Im going to lose it one day very soon and pick the person up and throw him on his ass. It will hurt but a lot less then what will happen if they don't learn.

For the record im not admitting to a future crime here just showing frustration :ranting2:

We need crosses or something like that for each spot to show the amount of people that have died there. Think about when you see a white cross next to the road it makes you think. These idiots are going to keep dropping without something drastic to help them understand.

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Cobba if you want as tour of the Eastern suburbs I can show you plenty! going back 30 plus years theres loads of them

A tour of death?

Let me know when your back on your feet mate. I would love to have a look around with Gibley to a few new spots.

We want to get onto our first King this year and a few jew spots would be good as well.

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I know a couple very good ledges for kings ones not far from you you could actually walk it! PM me and I'll give you the details. The tour of death well theres a few plaques arounf Nth Bondi up to Sth Head and as you go south you will see crucifixs carved into the sandstone with dates if you look a lot are just about worn away there a good steel plaque at Jolong south of Little Bay, place is dicey they actually cut thechain outto access it a few years back to deter the idiots!

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Sooooo that is in fact me pictured in the luminous green waterproof.

I have only been fishing a few times and am slowly learning but here are the things i know so far:

a) it must be done in a thunderstorm or failing that heavy, sideways rain.

b)judging by the tone of sergeant gilbey's militant teaching techniques, failure to be immediatly awesome at the sport will result in my death and / or the end of the world.

c) the word "strike" doesnt mean stand there, do nothing and then ask what strike means.

d)I have whole lot to learn

e)im, for lack of a better word, hooked

Bring on the overbearing teaching methods i say, and maybe some sunshine?

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