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Show me your tackle box!


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Firstly, i'd like to be on the record as acknowledging the fact that this is a weird question/proposal, but it just goes to show you can learn about everything. If anyone can show me a couple of pics how how their tackboxes are sorted, i would appreciate it. (I know nothing re fishing) Thanks.

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Firstly, i'd like to be on the record as acknowledging the fact that this is a weird question/proposal, but it just goes to show you can learn about everything. If anyone can show me a couple of pics how how their tackboxes are sorted, i would appreciate it. (I know nothing re fishing) Thanks.

Well mate I have a bag with about 12 boxes in it.. Each box has different lures, tackle, hooks and sinkers..For example I have a box for trolling skirts,a box for hard bodies, a box for hooks and swivels,, a box sinkers then I have all my soft plastics and jigs and finaly a box for trolling hard body lures.. :1fishing1: I hope this helps, Here are some pics...

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Edited by yarraone
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MIne are much like Yarraone's only not as many, I have..

1 box for tackle (hooks,small sinkers & bits & peices)

1 box for soft plastics,

1 Double box for hard bodies & squid jigs,

I then have a small old style tackle box for snapper leads and a larger one for line & pre-made leaders

then I have the skirts in rolls as per pic...

post-8167-012394100 1324972017_thumb.jpg

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Firstly, i'd like to be on the record as acknowledging the fact that this is a weird question/proposal, but it just goes to show you can learn about everything. If anyone can show me a couple of pics how how their tackboxes are sorted, i would appreciate it. (I know nothing re fishing) Thanks.

Not a weird question at all - anglers are very particular about their tackle, how much they have, getting more as quickly as possible, how and where they store them ...........

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Sorry, no pics.... I use the same plastic boxes for lures and large sinkers etc, but now for the "strange" bit... For all my hooks, swivels and small sinkers I have them all sorted into....wait for it.....urine specimen jars! You know those clear little plastic jars with the yellow lids? Each size hook has its own little jar. Each jar is labelled on top of the lid with the content and size. They stand up nicely in the top of my tackle box and it stops them all getting mixed up and with the screw on lids they stay pretty water tight (I guess they'd need to be water tight for their intended use!)

And no, I don't have some strange issue with my water works! My ex was a nurse so I had an endless supply of them...not so much any more though. She did come in handy for some things..... :D

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Guest twitchie(U-Make-Em )


Most fishermen have OCD obsessive compulsive disorder i wont show you mine it would take me a lot of time to find it all. i like tackle bags which carry 4 to 6 large Plano trays and space in the pockets for small boxes for trebles split rings and tools like braid scissors pliers side cutters ECT.

i have a bag for estuary soft plastics and one for hard bodies an extra large one for all my barra lures hard bodies and soft plastics . it is best to buy good quality with insulation as leaving your lures and softplastics out in the sun is not good for them as well as my bags i have a box for native fish as well as one for trout and a vest full of fly boxes and leader material and all the tools .

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Not a weird question at all - anglers are very particular about their tackle, how much they have, getting more as quickly as possible, how and where they store them ...........

That's right D. In fact it's a competition. The person with the most, prettiest, tidiest, newest collection wins.

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No pictures here but I use to big plano tackle boxes plus a smaller one, all with removable trays (they're all full), I also have a backpack that holds all my plastics for bread n butter fishing. I have an old 4 drawer tackle box that has stuff I really don't use any more also. In the boat I have bits and pieces scattered around haha.

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That's right D. In fact it's a competition. The person with the most, prettiest, tidiest, newest collection wins.

Hmmmmm correct except tidiest isn't an issue really.........

This goes way beyond the tackle box. The angler usually has a whole part of the house just for the tackle and anything to do with fishing. This is normally a garage, a shed, a man cave you know how it goes.

When other likeminded people visit they disappear to the "special area" for several hours where the lures and tackle are inspected for their prettiness, newness, how many hit marks, size of hooks, sharpness of hooks etc

The stories will be related about each lure and the amount and type of captures.

Those anglers that are inventive will show items they have constructed like rod holders and the like.

They may even have casting practise and load up rods to test.

Interesting that no-one is putting pics up isn't it :biggrin2: they are also very protective of their um tackle

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Hmmmmm correct except tidiest isn't an issue really.........

This goes way beyond the tackle box. The angler usually has a whole part of the house just for the tackle and anything to do with fishing. This is normally a garage, a shed, a man cave you know how it goes.

When other likeminded people visit they disappear to the "special area" for several hours where the lures and tackle are inspected for their prettiness, newness, how many hit marks, size of hooks, sharpness of hooks etc

The stories will be related about each lure and the amount and type of captures.

Those anglers that are inventive will show items they have constructed like rod holders and the like.

They may even have casting practise and load up rods to test.

Interesting that no-one is putting pics up isn't it :biggrin2: they are also very protective of their um tackle

Lol.... I dont think its they are protective. Its more to the point that someone doesnt see just how much gear they have....My missus would have a fit if she knew just how much my gear cost

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Yep they're the ones!

At least I'll know who to ask when I need to add to the collection....I'm too embarrassed to go into a chemist and ask the girls behind the counter for half a dozen specimen jars. They'll think I have a problem!

Just pop into your friendly pathology collection place and tell them you need to provide a specimen and they will give you a couple :thumbup:

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My only advise to go with all the bling bling tackle boxes for this and that.

It to also have one quick referance box, and keep out and handy.

It has one or two squid jigs, a few metals, a few sinkers all sizes, a few hooks of all sizes.

That way your not rumaging thru all the box when a school of tailor pop up. or that squid comes up chewing on a pilly etc


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