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Donna, whilst on the subject, how does the Gold, Silver etc membership work?

Hi Charlie - another good question :thumbup:

Gold members are people that help out in our raider community and promote the site etc


These people help at socials, post lots helpful things for members to read, donate prizes for socials, take newbies out fishing and teach them and any other reason we think is worthy of the title

The Silver Member is a member who is can be contacted about the Safe Rock Fishing Initiative Location list. These are members who put their hands up to look after this section of our forum. They are experienced and can answer questions.

Down the bottom of the forum under active members there are the coloured titles - if you click on those you can see who is in each group

The other thing people will see in Groups - addicted member, members, new members. When a member joins they go into the New Members group and advance automatically to Members group when a certain number of posts are reached. People will advance to the Addicted Members group when they reach 1000 posts etc

As members advance they get more permissions and are able to see more features on the forum

Attached to each group are permissions and access. We have a big control panel behind here that we play in to make sure that fishraider is a well run and interesting and comfortable place for everyone to enjoy.

We even have a group called Eternal Members - these are members who have passed on and we feel they need to be remembered eternally for contributions to our community.

If you go to Members button up top of the forum and use Advanced Fliters you can select at the bottom "show all" drop down menu and select a group to look at its members.

I must say that looking at other fishing forums, fishraider seems to be free of the annoying google type ads. We do not want to have members bombarded with - how to lose weight in 5 days, dating services and rubbish that has nothing to do with fishing!! Be assured that we will be keeping fishraider for the members and not letting advertising take over.

Our advertisers/sponsors get free run of the forum and their own section to advertise their products and without them we would not be here. Make sure that you use these people first because we only take quality businesses and we use them ourselves.

Thanks everyone for being part of our raider "family". Please pm me anytime if you have any suggestions or want anything clarified.



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