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My final report for 2011


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Happy New Year Raiders! :thumbup:

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What a year 2011 was for me and my fishing!

It all started coming off a mojo loss in 2010, with crappy fishing and I just couldn't get my head right from personal reasons.

January we had a bit of a moment saving a guy that had fallen off the rocks fishing, grabbing his hand as he went under doing the full Bay Watch action on Next.

Febuary, like light switch, things changed. Go out and break in to virgins in a day marlin fishing....Joe Yee's smashed em.

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March Went out and bought a yak to fish out the back of my units, catching bream and flatties around the moorings and marinas.

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April. Saw me up in Gladstone, one of my best fishing experiences to date catching 27 barras averaging over a metre in 3 days. New pb of 118cm from 99cm that haunted me for 5 trips...Leant a new technique, fishing Transams.

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May First real crack at trouts. Scores a new species in a Rainbow. Caught on a Squidgie wriggler. Many trips have followed with numorous captures but the browns have evaded me!

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June. Started cracking the jew pattern on transams in the Parra....Also went up for a return trip to barras, fished the blue water as well. Pretty cool the barra thing works on jews.

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July. Bermagui Bluefin tunas. New species. Never seen tuna so thick! Catch em on anything, truely amazing with tuna climbing onto the swim platform to grab cubes. Popped, jigged and cubed them. Lost count.....

August saw me chasing Reds down southern Sydney off National Park also scored a new PB jew on a lure of 14kgs out of the Hawkesbury. Got him on a 4.8 Keitech swing impact fat in Sexy shad. A new lure.

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October. New PB Jew out of Hawkesbury, 18kgs on a Keitech. Plus a few more good snapper from south.

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November Sails, new PB for birthday. Also first trip to WA. Caught GT's Macks and watched the turtles lay eggs, cool sh1t!

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December, What a fitting way to finish off such a good year but to get a fish that I had to work hard for. Many trips, Km's driven to and from plus the km's walked to get a new species and a decent specimen to boot.

Last Friday Rich and I wanted to give the dams one more shot for the year. With windy conditions predicted for the coast it was a easy call to make. 3am out of bed and out to Riches around 4:15 then TCD car park by 6:15 back of dam working our chosen stretch by 7:30. We had some nice cloud cover to start off with and a few casts later in a shallow bay next to some sunken trees I'm on! The fish steamed off around some branch sticking out of the water, I could feel my 4lb braid rubbing so I flicked the bail arm. The fish stops, turns around and starts heading back into clear water but as soon as I click the bail back, took up the slack, the fish powers off now on the oppisite bank running for more trees! My 3lb leader did not hold....

Re rig with another 3" bass minnow it wasn't long for another bite and smoking. NO make that 3 smoking and 2 pulled hooks!

Reason, sticky drags, my fault bad reel maintanence......

This time I moved to 4lb leader to get some better cushioning and lengthen it to 7ft.

In the mean time Richard battles a monster to his feet but fish wins...

Around mid day still fishing the bass minnow I get hit on the drop by a fish the runs deep and doesn't jump. With many heart in mouth moments RIch finally sercures my first brown trout on the bank!:yahoo:

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After a few pix back in the water it went and swum away strong.

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A few more fish followed during the evening hatch and a very long drive back home. Door to door, 21hrs! :wacko:

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Beautiful sun set over TCD and a great way to finish off my 2011 season!

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Bring on 2012, Happy new year to you all!

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You have has a stellar year (forgive the pun)and I have enjoyed reading all of your posts. Your catches are always out of the box! Have a great 2012 and if you ever need a fishing partner, send me a pm!

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Happy New Year man. Always enjoy your reports. The range of species you target is amazing so you have something in your reports for nearly all of us on FR

Look forward to more of your reports 2012


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What a top year!!

Smashed some PB's and even a few firsts. You can't ask for much more than that.

The photos of those Mulloway still leave me salivating. I've put in thousands upon thousands of casts trying to find a fish of that calibre on lures, but they have thus far eluded me. My Hyper PE Certate is taunting me to give it a challenge, and all i can give it is soapies.

Hopefully 2012 is good to us both.

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