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Daiwa BG anti-reverse

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i'm trying to fix my anti-reverse and have stumbled upon a wall. i don't know what i need to do to have the trigger connect to the anti-reverse spring on the ratchet.


in the pic i have the anti-reverse plate (under the brass screw) upside down. one side of the plate was bent in which i have straighten out. i believe its placed correctly now (the pin latch on the plate is at the bottom instead of the top), but i just don't know what i'm suppose to do now to have everything working as a system again.

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G'day screwdriver,

I'm not sure which specific BG model you've got but I had a look at a couple of schematics. It's sort of hard to diagnose without being able to have a poke around with it but I think that maybe the anti-reverse claw immediately under the brass screw may need to rotate 180 dgrees (might be completely wrong though).

With diagnosing any reel problem, the important thing is to try to understand how each part works or is meant to work, then you can usually figure out why it isnt. This often just takes some time fiddling with it all.

The other thing I always recommend when stripping down a reel is to take photos at each stage, at least until you're completely familiar with that particular reel. Photos are much better than just relying on the schematics.

Cheers, Slinky

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yeah the schematics are quite hard to read (good ole 80's print). i found a pretty clear picture of what i assume to be the correct position. i'm going to give that a go when i get home. fiddling it for hours yesterday, i wasn't able to understand how the trigger connects to the claw. the claw just swings around loosely even when it's attached to the pin. here is the picture i found.


it's a bg10. it was already broken when i opened it up. that plate under the screw and above the claw was actually bent, swinging 360. so it was pointless taking a photo of the before. and thanks for the reply slink!

Edited by therealscrewdriver
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Here's link to the schematics on-line... download them and you'll be able to zoom right in on your computer.


The claw definitely looks like it's installed the wrong way around in your photo. In looking at the schematic, I'd say that the trigger may not actually attach to the claw... rather, when the reel is turned and the anti-reverse is engaged, it will rotate around and the hook should engage the upright part of the claw, pulling it in to engage with the rachet. Only a guess mind you.

Get the on line schematics... zoom in close... swap the claw... and see how you go.

Good Luck, Slinky

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worked my way around with some ghetto diy job. taped the claw the claw plate together as one unit and it works now. hopefully it will hold until i order a new plate. strange thing is, all the pictures i've seen and the schematics indicate one end of the claw plate being flat. the only way this would work would be that both pieces are stuck/welded together. but it doesn't explain the schematics showing them as 2 parts.


now i need grease/oil the old gal up and go back to doing what i do best. snagging rugs in parramatta river!

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