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Middle Harbour 26.6.05


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Had a quick fish with RichP on Sunday morn'.

After the recent rains I was hopeful upper Middle Harbour may hold some bream, but unfortunately they were few and far between. We found some entertainment early on with schools of slimey mackerel and tailor seemingly everywhere at one point, but when they went down we doggedly continued breamin' with not much to show for our efforts. We were fishing around Seaforth Bluff area when we noticed birds working on the opposite shore and put the commotion down to more tailor or slimeys. We continued under the Spit, still for nil bream and decided to head back upstream to give the EPs a go.

On our way back we noticed the birds still working almost an hour later so this time the temptation was too much and we headed over to check out the fuss. No sooner had we got to the spot and XOS size tailor were almost jumping in the boat in a feeding frenzy you'd be more used to seeing in February, not mid-June. We quickly threw plastics at the boils and our skimpy leaders were chopped almost instantly. These were the biggest tailor I'd seen for a while and fish I'd have been proud to have caught in my sandgroper days. We perservered, however and Rich hooked into something big.

The first run told us this was no tailor and while Rich' spent the next 5 minutes losing and regaining line, I kept casting and re-tying my jig, as numerous tailor beat my intended targets to the lure.

Rich' finally got his in, a nice kingy and a PB no less! A quick pic' was taken and the fish duely returned. Seconds later I was into another king, but this specimen, we estimated, was a 'little' bigger. Fireline screamed non-stop off the spool and we frantically put the electric on full power and began the chase. After another few seconds the run eventually stopped and I began to think I had a chance.. that was until the fish instinctively made another run and turned for the nearest mooring rope!

I started to feel the tell-tale rubbing of my line against rope and realised my chances of getting a possible kingfish PB had dropped considerably. We Minn Kota'd over to the boat to see what we could do, but the fish was well and truely wrapped and my heart sank as the line finally came up loose. Oh well as the emoticon says, sh*t happens!

We kept casting and Rich' managed to pull in another slightly smaller king, and that's where the fun ended. We motored around for another 30 minutes, sounding out huge balls of baitfish but the predators had decided that was enough, and so did we.

We had a half hearted bash for Eps upriver, with only a few flatty's the result, then with work on the menu for the rest of the day I decided I'd better pull the plug and get back.

Here's Rich's king, sorry for the pic' mate! :1yikes::biggrin2::risata::tease:



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Rich actually landed 2 Swoff'.

He's beginning to get into the habit of pulling a biggy when he comes out with me, used to be the other way around - the bugger! :D

I honestly think if we'd hit them when we first saw them, instead of carrying on breamin', we could've had a few more... aaah well, I won't be passing by another bust up like that again. :(


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Legal Kingy's in late June in the Harbour!!! :1clap:

You bloody ripper. Great work fellas.

Don't you just kick yourself when make a poor decision and you only get to blame yourself for it?

The Black Pig is in dry dock at the moment having a major birthday so no :1fishing1: for me for a couple of weeks and it's killing me I tells ya!



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Hi Covanova,

I've done OK on the EPs in Middle Harbour, but they can be very elusive.. as EPs tend to be.

It usually only takes a few casts in one spot to know if they're there or not. All the usual places such as deep holes, mini cliff faces and man made structure are the places to hit.

Do a search on EPs on these forums and a few of my old EP reports should show up along with reports from other guys who have caught EPs in M.Harbour and elsewhere.


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Guest fishrunner

Well done on the kingies :1clap: .

New pb's are always welcome, pity the bream didn't play with you.

cheers brad

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Guest Jocool

Good going Rich. Nice King.

Great report as always Joe. Good to see you have your priorities right. Fish...Then work! :thumbup:

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well done for a trip out on the harbour,

Kingies in winter. Now thats what i call fishing. To have huge tailors and kigies as a bycatch while fishing for bream is something i'll gladly have anyday on the water. An excellent trip i must say. I think its time we gave the harbour a looksee eh mario



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Hi Joe,

great session and great fun too!!

I recall years ago, having the same story around the Spit. We used to get massive tailor, real big ones that would smash ya on the bream gear and holding on was a challenge.

I can't stand this, no boat at present and pelagics in Winter, don't do this Joe.

Only a while to go until the Pro Strike arrives Heh Heh!!!!


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Hi Gab',

I was using 4 pound Fireline and 6 pound leader and I think Rich was the same.

4 pound Fireline isn't that much of an issue, as long as you have enough clear water to play the fish out. The leader is normally the part which fails anyway.


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