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Sydney Today


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Gday All, well thank christ the sun came out, the weather was nice and have salt back in the veins. After not being on the water for a week, started to feel like a tomato plant that hasnt been watered.

Water in the harbour looks like something that comes out of a newborn babies bum, brown and runny! Few boats out but didnt see any surface action this morning. Got to the heads and greeted by a lovelly sse swell about .5m with some still left over sth swell running across it.

Out the front things havnt changed much, water has turned over to the filthy green and temps are still around the 22.3 deg mark. Plenty of fish showing but very few takers and sinkers coming up cold. In other words water on the bottom is still cold. Some strange current moving as well. Out around the 75m mark current is moving sse move into the 60 mark current changes to nne, drift varied as well from .2kn - .5kn.

Out again tomorrow so well see if a day makes any difference! If you were out today, hope you enjoyed it!

Heard of some dollies around and there were about 6 boats around the sydney fad today.

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Was out at the Botany Close FAd and Bot Wide FAd today. Hit them both once arly in the morning and then again later in the afternoon. Both times came up empty.

There were about 10 boats around both fads in the morning, and looked like nobody was catching anything.

Although some guys at the ramp told me they heard of someone catching dollies at the fads, but sounds rather dubious.

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Went out looking for a marlin today, started trolling from the peak (10am) to 12 mile. Water temp was 23.9 at 12 mile, water looked good with small flying fish about. Trolled at 12 mile until 1.30pm for zip. Heard on the radio of two marlin caught at 30 fathoms of Long Reef early in the morning. A bit of chatter about small dollies at the fads being caught with some larger ones there but shy. Trolled towardes Sydney Harbour until 30 fathoms out then to Botany Bay for zip. Water in close was green and about 21.5. Good Luck.

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Was anyone on here out at longy and dee why today? About 7 boats just off the headland. Didn't get much just bakers and lost alot of rigs to the reef :( saw a couple of big slashes in close round dee why like the size of a whale but wasn't a whale any ideas ?

Edited by WINDRED
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