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Hardbody advice please!


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Hi raiders,

I have been fishing for only almost a year and only on land, so I have some restrictions when it comes to fishing. The waters I usually fish rarely exceeds 2m (with a rocky bottom and structure), and lately I've been getting into lure fishing with some success. Recently I have been losing a fair amount of hardbodied lures, and I noticed that those lures are at diving depths of 1-2m. Although I can't see the action of the lure, I'm guessing it is fairly close to the bottom, hence losing lures frequently.

So my question is, if I start using hardbodied lures of 0-1m (not including surface lures) will I still catch fish at 2m and among structure? I'm guessing at 0-1 the lure will just be above the structure?

Hope this makes sense.



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Should be fine mate, unless your just targeting flatties. Another option are some poppers. The waters you talk of seem to sound like they would hold some bream and whiting. In the summer poppers will get you some great fish in skinny water!

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Sorry I forgot to mention, I'm targeting bream. Do fish hit lures swimming above them but still in the water?

Yes, Definitely. More so than below them! Anything staying between the surface and say half a meter off the bottom will do but the top half might actually be better..

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I like a deep diving lure that floats, you throw it out and crank it hard to dive deeply then a slow retrieve though where the fish should be holding followed by a pause to let it float a bit up as it nears the shore, often the fish will smash it as you pause at the end. Then again some spots are just death to lures, you learn to use a shallower diver or go elsewhere, some of my collection forty years old but I've lost plenty first cast.

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