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Same same but different


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Sick of the crap coastal weather so went over the mountains again yesterday. The Upper Turon was very different to when I visited in early November. Less water, warmer water, and slimey weeds covering the bottom, especially in the pools. The pools which were chock full of trout last time were stone dead this time. Heavy cloud all day and drizzle and light rain. Did not get a follow or spot one fish in any pools (apart from more carp compared to last time).

So consulted my vast trout knowledge ( :wacko: yeah right) and remembered reading that shallow oxygenated runs could be the place to cast.

This fat 46cm fish came from a really difficult place:

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She (?) came from the riffle/run up past the overhanging logs and the dead bush in the water. Demanded a backhand low sideways cast under the overhanging logs and above the dead bush. When she hit she powered towards me and the long logs in the water:

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Lots of rod angles to land her. Fought like Turon rainbows are meant to. Took a 1/32nd minnow head rabbit tail jig in olive and white with red gill slash.

The only other fish for six hours of hard yakka mountain goating was this 42cm rainbow:

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It took a 1/40th black bugeye (google eyes glued to a roundhead with sides filed flat)jig with peacock herl body and rabbit tail:

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I'd got the first fish early so after 4 hours plus of nothing had tied on the itty bitty bugeye to try for carp. I'm no good enough for those buggers, so went back to spotted fish.

The 42cm fish hit in an ultra shallow riffle and went berzerk and had its back out of the water as it charged down the run! High rod!! It was actually weaving between pebbles above the water. A couple of times it chose gaps about six inches apart between rocks. Yee ha!!!!! Still a trout newby and first time I've scored a good fish in such shallow water it couldn't keep its back or top of its tail fin wet. Was spraying water droplets everywhere with its tail like an outboard with the leg tilted up!! Then it got to a pool and went under a submerged log and out the other side and onto the surface. Four pound Nitlon leader is brilliant. Backed off and despite lots of "oh no" leader rubbing eventually got her back under the log and to my feet.

No one told me stream trout where this much fun.

Really nice fella I met as I packed the car to head home said the place copped a flogging at Christmas. Doesn't matter. Love that river and its turbo-charged trout.

Edited by bombora
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Well done on some lovely fish. They look in good condition.

Stream fishing is just the best. You see so much and always walking, moving seeing the next bend, run riffle.

Glad you are a convert.

I may make a trip when the weather cools a bit.

Thanks for the report,


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Not wrong Geoff. For me this ultra shallow luring was a real challenge: dead acurate casts into "the spot" was needed. Much more 'technical" fishing, with line control important (ha, sound like a fly fisho), than in the pools. Still can't figure out how a trout can get the angle to jump when it's in water so shallow it's just over its back!!

Lots of rock wallabies and grey roos around this time, and some beautiful flowering trees, but didn't see one Joe Blake. Planning a trip back in a couple of months too.

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Iron there were a million casts between fish and a LOT of bush bashing, but the jigs seem to fit stream fishing well. Rabbit moves beautifully in the water and much tougher than marabou Here's the successful ones, just a tad different to last time:

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Edited by bombora
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