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Botany By Report 6.3.12


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Went to Botany Bay today, The wind was very bad i knew from the forcast but had a day off so went anyway.

Water Temp was between 21.5 and 23 degrees, used squid and chicken breast for bait but during the time fishing caught 2 x yakkas which was converted to 2 x salmon using them live. Also caught 1 good size travelly around 45cm and 2 x cod fish, 1 Red ugly one very large around 2 kg and the other one was brown and abit if limish colour, fist time i caught one it was nice looking around 1 kg. That was it for the day

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I was fishing around watsons reef near the national park as the wind was a little calmer in that area. It was very quiet in the arvo only 2 other boats i can see.

I lost something i suspect a larger king or salmon as it took a massive run and many head shakes but i didnt get busted off just hook spat out. I saw some surface action and some jumping fish, could be bonito not sure.

This is the first year in Botany Bay that i have not caught tailor, i remember the last couple years around sunset i used to catch so many good sized tailor, Im suspecting this strange weather or im just having bad luck.

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was the 1kg red cod fish a red scorpion??? if so did you keep it?? bloody hell they are good eating!!!!! best flesh i've ever tasted by far!

i really need to eat something now.

It was a red scorpion, i just looked at the images on the net matches it perfect. Damm i wish i checked if they were good eating i did keep it but i promised my neighbour a feed i should of swaped them with the salmon :) it just looked to hard to clean.

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