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First outing since Xmas Day!


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Hi guys

Back from Sydney after being checked out by the Orthopedic Hip Specialist late last week - it seems I have a small tear in the cartilage in the hip & also a cyst! As I had been feeling less pain in recent weeks, it was decided to leave it for another 3 months to see if the injury settles further - or whether intervention via arthroscope may be the answer.

In between then & now, I have the option of draining the fluid off & a cortisone shot to the hip joint may also alleviate some of the pain. It is intermittent now - on & off most days, rather than constant 24/7!

I asked him if I could get out in my yak again - and his eyebrows shot up ......."You'll know about it sooner than later!" he reckoned!! Just take it easy & not for too long! So I shot out on Friday with Michelle - she was doing the 'prefish' for the weekend's ABT - so I met her in the Paddock.

It took me longer than usual to get the yak off the ute & set it up & get it in the water - being VERY careful not to aggravate the hip. Once on the water, I pulled the back of the seat down a bit (120 degrees instead of 90 degrees) to lessen the angle of the hip - and I also shortened the stroke of the Mirage drive, and stayed out of any fast current! So far, so good!

I chucked some topwaters around for no action, then tried a really fat chubby - and hooked a small flattie. Chucked him back with no pic - too small! We deliberately stayed away from any area that Michelle was likely to fish, so it hadn't been 'spooked' - and when I had an NW52 on, I started getting a few top water bloops - and then WHACK! Gone in an instant! wacko.gif Probably a pike, as the line was just cut right off! I'd forgotten my own advice - only use the bigger topwater lures in the Paddock because of the sharp toothed critters that lurk there! 1badmood.gif The smaller topwater lures fit into their mouths just nicely!

I tossed some squidgy wrigglers around for no luck & then my 2hrs were up & I headed back to shore!

The really interesting bit was trying to get out of the yak! You actually put quite a lot of pressure onto your hips when getting out., tho when not injured, you don't notice! Next time, I'll swing both legs around at the one time, on the OTHER side of the yak & use my right leg to stand up!

3 days down the track - and no added pain or discomfort, tho I did hear a weird crack whilst just standing at home later that evening & wondered if I'd done something!wacko.gif

Michelle will be back this weekend & we'll be meeting up with other yakkers over at Tuncurry - and once again, I'll be sensible (difficult tho it may be!) and only fish 'moderate' hours - I may even push it up to 3hrs on Sat & then see how I turn out on Sun!!

Michelle had a really crap day on Sat, not able to land any legals in the comp, then went on to get a great bag on Sunday (just under 1.5kg) What a shame she couldn't do that on Sat as well - she would have been top 10!! Ah well, that's fishin'!!

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(photo by Greg Seeto)



Hopefully, I'll be able to hook into something on the weekend!biggrin2.gif

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Good to see that you're back on the water Roberta and that the pain has lessened to a degree. :thumbup:

I hope you have a great session on the weekend and fingers crossed that there are no ill effects afterwards. It must be frustrating taking it slowly. Good luck.



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Thanks guysI ducked out yesterday afternoon & tried for blackies from the jetties near the bridge with some VERY OLD weed ..... the blackies ignored it, but surgeon fish loved it! 1yikes.gif I caught two - both reasonably small, but gee they 'go' for their size! Hooked one blackie eventually but it fell off before I could net it! wacko.gif Out of practise, I guess!

It was fun tho


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