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Best Day On Botany Bay


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on the spur of the moment after realising the BOM had got it wrong again i hit the water about 10am.

fished a few spots for a bunch of small trevs, reds, and yaka's so i decided to head out through the heads as it was lovely and flat.

i drifted from about the 50 mtr mark out to 80mtrs of water.

it was during this drift that it happened, i was sitting down after having just dropped my lines down when i heard what i thought was white caps breaking behind me.

then they got louder

and louder

so i thought it couldnt be white caps and i turned around to see 2 humpbacks not even 50 mtrs off my starboard bow heading straight for me.

to say i was excited is an understatement but that turned to a mild case of fear as they sounded and came back up 3 mtrs away on my starboad side giving me a spray as they surfaced.

thet seemed to sit there for a while looking at me then slowly slipped under my boat so close i could see the barnicles on their backs, i was sure they were going to hit me :1yikes: but with the grace and precision of ballet dancers they slipped silently under surfaceing again about 100 mtrs away.

one of them seemed to give me a wave then they were gone, the last i saw of them was about 1k away where they surfaced again with huge sprays being all i could see.

the only camera i had on board was the one built into my binoculars so i took alot of shots only to find when i got home that it's busted :05:

sorry for the long rant about no fish but it is by far the most magical experience i have ever had on the water, even better than my first (and only ) yellow fin.

Edited by Outnumbered
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Guest Jewel

Thats what we are out there for, the fish are a bonus!!!

A mate and I fish off Royal National Park a lot and have found over a few seasons watching that the whales and dolphins seem to come closer and hang around longer when we have the radio on!

Glad to hear that you had an experience like that mate.

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That is unreal for sure, too bad about the pics, but an experience like that will remain with you forever. I was surfing out DY about 4 years ago and a whale breached about 200 metres from me, I think I had to change my speedos, and the guy not far from me looked in disbelief as well. Every now and then dolphins are around when I'm out surfing around Sydney or up the coast, you know they are not going to hurt you, but its a bit scary nonetheless, although quite a buzz at the same time.

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Guest Jocool

Maybe you should change your name to OUT-GUNNED! :074: He can go deeper than you, and spray water better than you!

Good to see you back in one piece to tell the tale. :thumbup:

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G`day Fellas ,

No matter how many times you make contact with these magnificent creatures , it always feels like a religious experience.

I still dream about my Ist , and Just recently I had an overwhelming experience with a dolphin in our local Lagoon.

Magic, Magic , Magic.


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G`day Fellas ,

No matter how many times you make contact with these magnificent creatures , it always feels like a religious experience.

& not only that they make bloody good burgers :1prop::074:

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you truly are a lucky man, you witnessed one of natures moments of genius. I have only witnessed such a thing once in a long life time and that was in sydney harbour 5 or 6 years ago. To think the Japanese kill them is beyond comprehension.


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I was surfing off cronulla last winter when a group of

us surfers saw a fin :1yikes: we all looked at each other

and it was about 20metres from us until a huge spray.....

I s**t myself and i was on the sand in no time... never foget it


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