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Could u give me tips about tt lure

Flathead bream

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Hi guys

I fish a bit with blades and they work very well for flatties, travs and bream. I find that the 1/4 ounce blades too heavy and prefer the 1/8th or polycarbonate ones. Just flick them out and lift the blades about 2 foot up and repeat all the way back... Be sure to let the blade sit for a few moments on the ground between lifts.

Of all the blades I use the prefer the ecogear zx and vx blades.. They are a bit $$$ but work a treat!

Using 5lb main and 8lb fluro leader...



ps. If you are on a budget and want to try out some blades that work well you can pickup some imitation ecogear copy blades for about $4 each when they are on sale from a certain "outdoors" camping store.

Edited by dhype
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I use blades all the time- in fact over the last 6 months I have relied on them more and more. Interestingly, when I first started using them, I caught nothing. My mate, who used SP's used to get smashed. Then one day, I think I found my rhythm and over the last few months of using them, they always have outfished the soft plastics and have a much better hookup rate.

My favorite is the Strike Pro Cyber 35. I find brands like Kamoshark which have a much larger clip on the top often mean they hook themselves a lot. Also interestingly, when fishing with my mate, we have often noticed that colour can come into play. I've used a Yellow colour and he has used silver and I have been smashed twice as much as him. I love the yellowish colours but it depends on the colour of water/clarity.

As said above, you want to cast and let it sink to the bottom. Then give it a little flutter upwards then let it sink. When I started I used to reel it in too quickly. Now, I find that I watch the line more, making sure it has hit the bottom and I always give it several seconds to sit there before retrieving it up again. As I was told at Ottos tackle world(who really spruik them), you often find they get smashed as they are sinking rather than when you reel in.

I own a 1-2kg Lox and I use 5lb braid/leader. I find the light rod really lets you control the lift a lot better. Although prepare to get snagged more than say SP's. It's always a bad day when you lose two or three and you realise you've blown through 50 bucks worth of tackle. That said- check online for the blades as you can often find them 3-4$ cheaper than in stores.

Good luck with it mate!

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It's always a bad day when you lose two or three and you realise you've blown through 50 bucks worth of tackle.

OUCH!I would not be happy with that. I saw some divers exit the water at Terrigal Haven last week with a few squid jigs each. Might be a business in that. Like collecting lost golf balls.

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OUCH!I would not be happy with that. I saw some divers exit the water at Terrigal Haven last week with a few squid jigs each. Might be a business in that. Like collecting lost golf balls.

We lost 4 on Saturday so a grand total of like 48$ or something... plus petrol, food etc. Not that cheap :ranting2:

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