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how many lb braid for flathead do you use?


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Ive just recently started flathead fishing with soft plastics and wanting to know how much lb braid do you guys use? i was looking into sunline castway which comes in 10lb braid lowest and is #0.6 another braid i was looking at is daiwa TD sensor 4lb which would you guys recommend for flathead mostly, castaway or TD sensor?


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castaway is 10lb and basically has a 4lbpound diameter so will it perform like a 4lb pound braid but stronger and if i end up using 10lb castaway is that too heavy even though it has a 4lb diameter?

Edited by Spoooled
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castaway is 10lb and basically has a 4lbpound diameter so will it perform like a 4lb pound braid but stronger and if i end up using 10lb castaway is that too heavy even though it has a 4lb diameter?

Not at all. Go the castaway out of those two (the Sensor its actually pretty thick) or Power Pro in 3 or 4 lb.

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Not at all. Go the castaway out of those two (the Sensor its actually pretty thick) or Power Pro in 3 or 4 lb.


TD Sensor is 70 dollars for 125 metres, definitely not worth it. Castaway breaks at 13lb, and is a 10lb line, but get some 3,4 or 5lb power pro, retails at 30 bucks for 150m, or you can get 300m for 30 bucks off the internet. Power pro is the best by far in my opinion. I use 6 or 8lb leader and 3lb powerpro for flathead and never get bitten off, fish lighter for more bites but risk of loosing a lure, or fish heavy for less fish but more fish landed.

Putting money aside, would 10lb castaway be as good as 5lb power pro because i think the diameter of the line is the same?


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I can only comment from personal use. I use 5lb braid to a 5lb leader which is the same setup as my fishing buddy. I have caught a 63cm flatty on it and he caught a 76cm monster and both held up. But we are set up more for bream etc, I think you could easily raise the line to a 8lb with no issues on them.

The pumpkin seed colour soft plastic has always worked wonders for us...

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I'm am power pro person too... I use 5lb in yellow for flatties and have landed plenty of flatties 85cm+ no worries.

I have tried castaway 10lb... Used it once ... got wind knots like crazy... In the bin it went. They should rename the line to throwaway!


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I can only comment from personal use. I use 5lb braid to a 5lb leader which is the same setup as my fishing buddy. I have caught a 63cm flatty on it and he caught a 76cm monster and both held up. But we are set up more for bream etc, I think you could easily raise the line to a 8lb with no issues on them.

The pumpkin seed colour soft plastic has always worked wonders for us...

I'm am power pro person too... I use 5lb in yellow for flatties and have landed plenty of flatties 85cm+ no worries.

I have tried castaway 10lb... Used it once ... got wind knots like crazy... In the bin it went. They should rename the line to throwaway!


Thank guys i think power pro it is!

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I fish flatties A lot and have tried most of the braids available. I don't think any are "poor" but for the money you simply cant go past 6lb fireline. It's cheap, casts a mile and breaks well over the test. I use 14lb vanish leader for flatties and 6lb for bream.

Hope this helps :)

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IMO i'd go with the sunline, i have 5lb power pro on one rod and 6lb sunline on another and the sunline is thinner and casts heaps better. The powerpro for me is a bit stiff, though it'll probably break above the 5lb rating, though i've never lost a fish on my 6lb sunline.

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thanks you all :thumbup:

i have also been following with interest as i have a new 2500 reel coming in soon...

my Q - if spooling on with 6lb braid, 150yd wont cover the spool,

so what sort of backing should be used?

and how do you know how much you should put on?


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i have also been following with interest as i have a new 2500 reel coming in soon...

my Q - if spooling on with 6lb braid, 150yd wont cover the spool,

so what sort of backing should be used?

and how do you know how much you should put on?


Get some cheap mono probably 6-10lb. The process is much easier if you have a spare spool for your reel. Tie the braid loosely to the first spool of your reel and wind it all on. Then attach your backing with an albright, double uni whatever, and wind that on until it's at the perfect level. Then simply take that spool off your reel, put the other spool on, attach the backing to the fresh spool, and wind it all on. This method gets it perfect, but if you dont have a spare spool you can do it slightly differently; begin by winding all your braid and then the perfect amount of backing on, and then wind all this onto an old reel that's bigger than your 2500 (or anything else, although it's much slower to wind by hand). Then you will have the braid on top with backing underneath, and you need to flip it again, so wind it all off onto another reel (or spool, or rubber tube, or phone, or whatever you have). Then you will have the backing ontop again, and you can wind it on to your new reel.

Otherwise you really just have to guess, it's easier if you use more than you think you'll need to start with, and then if there's too much just go back and cut some off.

Hope this made a bit of sense :thumbup:

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Ive just recently started flathead fishing with soft plastics and wanting to know how much lb braid do you guys use? i was looking into sunline castway which comes in 10lb braid lowest and is #0.6 another braid i was looking at is daiwa TD sensor 4lb which would you guys recommend for flathead mostly, castaway or TD sensor?


I use 4 or 6lb Fireline. High knot strength and handles well. Ive found 10 or 12Lb mono leader to be a good compromise for bites and protection. Ive tried lower like 6lb and its OK, but when you feel those heavy headshakes from a massive lizard then the line goes snap and its lost, you think oh shit should have went bigger. If you are targeting big flattys go 12-20lb.

Also, follow line diameter more than the lb's. Line diameter is a MUCH more accurate guide than the bs breaking strain the manufacuter says on the packet.

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