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FINALLY, the hooks stick!

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Hi guys

I went out over the weekend for some topwater fishing - Michelle is coming up this weekend, so I needed the practise!!074.gif

I lost a Bevy Pencil to a sneaky bream in a particularly nasty bit of oyster encrusted water ........ then headed into one lease & chucked a small topwater lure out - only to have the braid wrap around a clump of weed with roots on (bad enough when it is just the blades of grass/weed) and wouldn't you know it - a fish was smacking at the lure as I was trying to shake the weed off - it was up near the rod tip!! That wasn't going to happen, so I had to lay the rod down reel first on the front of the yak (into my Berkley Silicon Net, so it didn't slip off - note, this is a good tip for all kayakers!!thumbup.gif) and of course, the movement of the lure in the water made the fish try even HARDER to get the lure ....... so I was trying to retrieve the loose line by hand & WHAM! The fish got the lure & ducked beneath the rack! I applied pressure, then relaxed a bit, hoping it would swim out - NO, it didn't! It had just gone deeper ....... so now, instead of 20lb leader rubbing against the rack, it was now 6lb braid! Ah well, we all know what happened ......... another lure, GORN!!mad3.gif

Then the fun began! It started with a 26cm breambo

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Then upgraded to a 30cm - this is what happens when you only take the one photo!!! Just as well it wasn't a competition!!

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He had a lesion of some sort on his head! - maybe he was the one that got stuck under the lease for a little while on my lost lure, previously??074.gif

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He had a nice set of fangs & deposited milt into my lap!wacko.gif

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Then another around the 30cm mark jumped on board

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I called these two, Dinner!

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I was SO pleased to have broken the hoodoo of missing the hooks - mind you, the same number got off, as well!! 1badmood.gif A couple of them particularly nice ones!!

At one stage, the water was really choppy & I recall Dan/Bubba saying that he loves top watering when the water was really choppy ........ so I gave it a go - within a yak length, finally a bream 'had a go' 3 times ...... I let it sit there & in the choppy water, I could see this massive bream - without a word of a lie - it would have been over 40cm & 1.5kg+ in weight ........... it was glaring at the lure. I jiggled it & it circled around the lure twice, glaring at it, defying it to move - I moved it again, getting ever closer to me & the yak - but all it could see was the lure ...... at this stage, I could almost have netted it!! 1yikes.gif Then, he saw the yak & was gone! This was one seriously blue nosed monster bream! Oh, how I wish I had landed it & got a photo!!tease.gif Ah well, it was interesting whilst I watched!

Can't wait to hit the water later on the weekend & have another go!

The mighty Sammy 65 works it's magic again!



Edited by Roberta
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Awesome work roberta, good too see something finally get stuck on the hooks and stay away from those racks! would have been awesome to see such a big bream follow the surface lure back, unfortunate that it didnt want to play ball.

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Great report Roberta! :thumbup:

Good to see you're getting into some topwater action!

Shame about the monster bream, but I bet it's still around there somewhere waiting for you!



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...so i guess its around spawning time for the ol bream then is that correct? ...

Hi Hooked Up - apparently they came down to the salty end of the lake, following all the fresh water coming down into the lakea after all the rain a week or so back!! I hope to find some more this weekend! biggrin2.gif There are some REALLY big ones about!!

Thanks, Pete - I know where he lives!! You don't get that big without being smart & staying away from things pointy! I'd been getting the hits before, just not the hookups!! Keith wanted a fish dinner! 1prop.gif Oh yes, i got a nice flattie on the way back to the car, too. No pic tho - Keith was awaitin'!

Hi Bassboy - I was wishing I had my Go Pro on my head - but without the polaroids, it probably would only have shown dark water! wacko.gif It was amazing to watch, for sure!! He circled the lure twice & went left & right, trying to decide whether to have another go at it! Shame the first 3 smacks missed! mad3.gif



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Thanks guys

.....so jealous you can still nail them on the surface this time of year...prety much all over for us Sydney siders... ... HI Brendon, he, he, I think we are really lucky up here - you can pretty well get them on surface here most of the year, if the lure lands close enough to their head!! We have SO much structure here in the way of leases, there is plenty of places for them to hide, so you now where to look!! It is Feb-April that they are more active here, too, so they may start slowing up a bit now (or make your accuracy more important to get that bite!)

Hi Grant ...Glad to hear you can get out again... I am just So glad to be out & about again! biggrin2.gif The fire is back in the belly again!thumbup.gifyahoo.gif

...Hope you crack a really big one soon. That will be fun in the yak!.... he, he, I was on one side of the fence & it was on the other side ........ yes, that will REALLY be fun! Towed around a bit, I reckon - I'll have to tie myself to the fence!! It was such a biggie!! I have caught a 40cm (to tail) before - but that was on the flats (and I assumed it was a flattie!074.gif) Landing one in a lease of that size would be spectacular!!1yikes.gif



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Hi Roberta, another great report. The mind game with that big blue nose must have been heart in the mouth stuff as you willed it to strike your lure. A surface bite that continues throughout most of the year must be fantastic.....I would find it hard to go to work :wacko: .

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he, he, lucky for some - I don't go to work! biggrin2.gifthumbup.gifyahoo.gif Can't wait til Fri when I am out again!! Sat & Sun too, most likely .... if the hip holds up! I felt a bit of a twinge after the last outing! 1badmood.gif It is OK now tho, thank goodness!


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What a shame that monster didn't commit to your lure Roberta. With all the fresh we have received of late, and the lack of warm weather, the top-water action is all but over for us down here. Terrific to see you on the water and terrorising the bream again!



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....What a shame that monster didn't commit to your lure.....

Thanks, Hodgey - I know where he lives tho & will pepper him this weekend!! Michelle will arrive first thing tomorrow morning & we'll meet up on the water!yahoo.gif

I am guessing you are out a-hunting cod somewhere!! I hope you get into some beauties! thumbup.gif



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