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Burleying landbased

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Hi Raiders,

As the topic suggests, I am looking to find out how people burley when landbased.

Is it just as simple as placing say an onion sack, filled with burley, in the water in front of you?

This question is related to beach fishing, as well as rock fishing, or even from a platform - costal fishing.

If I have a burley bag out in front of me, and I cast out say 30-50metres, will the burley reach\attract fish that far out?

I'm asking about the burley bag, as... I have tried throwing in pillie cubes, but all the peckers grab it before it even hits the ground lol , I see heaps of them - I figure a burley bag, with loads of scent will do a better job at reach my baits?



EDIT: forgot to mention, I am targeting pelagics, so I'm using a float with a pillie suspended about 1.5 metres down.

Edited by The Incredible Hull
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depends on your environment

beach / ocean rocks - lots of wash and current. burly disappears fast. In this situation i rip apart pilles with my hands and drop the chunks at my feet, test the wash take it in and they tend to sink more (ie: pickers dont get them). I find traditional burley (frozen bread+pellets mix) goes too fast

pier / calm waters - traditional burley - just put a frozen block into a onion sack and drop it in

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off the stones you need your berly bag in a gutter above water level so when a wash goes up the gutter it takes berly on the way outif it's in the water it will get ripped to peaces

do a dummy run with your float drop it were the gutter ends and free spool your line out and see were your berly is going then cast your rig out there

a free spooled bait at the end off the gutter will acount for some big bream also

forget the pillys and use gars and work the washes with a slow retreave cheers gary

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Cut up pillies/squid/fish frames and chuck them out at regular intervalls. That should do the trick for pelagics! Burely bags can do the job aswell!

Edited by mack attack 79
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