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thursday night jewfish


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gday raiders, I am on holidays at the moment and have had a fair bit of stuff happening with my mum moving her into aged care so I havent been able to get out on the water as much as I would have liked, however, I decided to go on thursday night after a lot of- will I or wont I? due to the inclement weather. Eventually just before 9pm the rain eased and I decided that I wasn't going to catch anything sitting on the lounge so I hooked up the boat and went. The plan was to spend the night fishing for jew however I was home in bed by 3am with a great bag full! I ended up with 3 big whiting a bream 2blueswimmer crabs and 5 jew! the largest jew was 68cm and the smallest 53cm. I also pulled the hooks on one that was at least as big as the biggest one that I landed and on another occasion one of the rods buckled over and as I struck for some strange reason the line popped, It must have had a knick in it and I obviously didnt see it.

sorry the photo isnt better but I took it on the floor of the boat and it was the best I could do as I was by myself.


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Hey Pete , what waterway were u fishing ? And bait type if u don't mind me asking ?

sorry about that - I put the report up at 1am this morning and I was a bit tired and not thinking. The bait was frozen california squid and they were caught in the harbour.


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Pete !

What a catch !

Just as well the "will I" part of you won that 'self-debate' and dragged your butt off the couch and towards the boat.

You did well to avoid the rain and even better to get the fish.

Everything in the bag is just pure quality.

The bream, the whiting, even the crabs.

There's enough to go around for your family.

Bon apetite mate - you deserve it....


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gday raiders, I am on holidays at the moment and have had a fair bit of stuff happening with my mum moving her into aged care so I havent been able to get out on the water as much as I would have liked, however, I decided to go on thursday night after a lot of- will I or wont I? due to the inclement weather. Eventually just before 9pm the rain eased and I decided that I wasn't going to catch anything sitting on the lounge so I hooked up the boat and went. The plan was to spend the night fishing for jew however I was home in bed by 3am with a great bag full! I ended up with 3 big whiting a bream 2blueswimmer crabs and 5 jew! the largest jew was 68cm and the smallest 53cm. I also pulled the hooks on one that was at least as big as the biggest one that I landed and on another occasion one of the rods buckled over and as I struck for some strange reason the line popped, It must have had a knick in it and I obviously didnt see it.

sorry the photo isnt better but I took it on the floor of the boat and it was the best I could do as I was by myself.


post-8689-024700400 1338127260_thumb.jpg

Is it better to chase Jews when its raining or just before or after? Anyway awesome catch hope i can do that one day.

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I have bagged out in the rain several times over the years and caught some quality fish also. I love it once the boat is set up and canopy and tarps up it is quiet cosy- it is setting up the boat in the rain at the ramp that is a pain! Not much fun setting up when its absolutely pouring down. dark overcast nights always work well for me.


Edited by tide'n'knots
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I have bagged out in the rain several times over the years and caught some quality fish also. I love it once the boat is set up and canopy and tarps up it is quiet cosy- it is setting up the boat in the rain at the ramp that is a pain! Not much fun setting up when its absolutely pouring down. dark overcast nights always work well for me.


as always - well done mate.

twin 1

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Cracker session, Pete!! Those squid work their wonders AGAIN!! Well done


Hi roberta, yeah the good old california squid certainly have accounted for a few jew for me thats for sure! these days I dont even worry about catching fresh or live bait anymore its soooo much easier to just take some frozen squid and they seem to be just as affective.


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