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Insanity the cold and jewfish!

J Hooked

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Hey Raiders

After 7 weeks of not wetting the line, insanity started to set in and the only cure was to fish in the cold. So I went out Sunday night Monday morning for the jewie. Armed with frozen squid and a thermos of hot tea, I headed over to my usual not so secret spot in the Georges River.

I fished the usual run in tide with a single 5/0 circle on 30lb fluro-carbon leader and the second rod was with a sliding Snell again with 5/0 circles on 30lb fluro-carbon leader.

The baits that worked were whole Squid and tailor fillets.

Around 9:00pm I see a couple of taps while rigging a rod for flathead. “Those pesky pickers,” I thought. Tap tap again. Dam Pickers! I attended to the rod and to my surprise when I lifted the rod tip the reel let out line and the fight was on! It pulled hard! It couldn’t be a little picker? I laughed at the thought. After a few minutes of fighting, the lovely silver shine of a 74cm jewie came to the surface. Happy days are back again I thought until I remembered the net was on the other side of the boat! This is becoming a bad habit! I managed to grab the net but the fish revived itself and ran again. Ahh No!!! I thought of my last mishap when I didn’t have my net ready and the 40lb leader broke when the fish was at the boat. I slowly immersed the net into the water and the fish avoided and dove into the depths. Panic was on the rise. I dropped the net in the boat and brought the fish back up to the surface. I tried again to net it. The fish was still not ready and down it went again but this time it was showing signs of tiredness. The third and last time I netted the beast and landed it into the boat. You beauty! It took the whole squid and was hooked nicely in the corner of its mouth.

I re-rigged and cast another whole squid back in then poured myself a cuppa. I waited, then repositioned the boat after the tide change, then waited, and waited. 6hours and 4 cups of tea later with 8 cookies, line started to strip off the other reel. The circles were set. It was a brief fight and up came another jewie about 68cm. The net was at the ready this time and the fish was netted first attempt.

Persistence patience and a thermos of hot brew paid off. I stayed for another hour with nothing but small tailor eating the baits so I called it quits and headed back.

Can't wait for next time.


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Very nice i am still waiting to get my first jew from the rocks

I think it took me 13 attempts to land my first. I remember reading in a magazine recently about fishing for jewies off the rocks. I can't remember the edition. I'll have another look and let you know. It was a good read.

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Well Done J. Jews are no dramas now hey? Were they bought squid or caught squid? :thumbup:

Thanks mate. Last year was a disaster and not many fish caught. I still haven't caught my first kingy. I'm optimistic for this year! :biggrin2:

They were California squid. I was a bit lazy and bought them. They seem kind of fresh and have worked well in the past.

They are such a pretty fish, they never cease to make me smile. Great work! Getting cold is so much better than being cold and wet hehehe and at least you had the brew :)

They are a nice fish. They have a distinctive smell to them haven't they! The water was a cold 14.5 degree. It made it difficult to raise the anchor. :wacko:

nice captures!

maybe don't leave it so long next time ;)

I reckon. Everything seemed to get in the way. It was either a niece or nephews birthday, work, or rain. I was starting to think there was a conspiracy to prevent me from fishing LOL. :074:

I even got a call to come into work! Like that was going to happen. :1prop:

We got there in the end though!. :biggrin2:

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Great work mate! I still swear by fresh/live tailor after i caught my first jewie :biggrin2: Beautiful fish and a great report :thumbup:

Hey mack attack

Yes, fresh tailor is great. I always try and catch a legal and fillet or butterfly it. Those California squid are not that bad. Fresh is always best, but they are not a bad alternative if your desperate for bait.

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Well done on that nice jewfish, you deserve it after all that effort.

The California squid is definetley good i always take it with me as i dont always have enough fresh squid and it works real good.

Thanks mate

I't seems that quite a few raiders are using them and having good results. I've always past them by in the past but now I grab a pack every time I go out as well. :biggrin2:

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