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Technology / Improvements In Gear

Ken A

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The last 10 years have seen a lot of changes in fishing tackle & a lot of new technology become available to the average angler. Things like GPS right through to chemically sharpened hooks. There has been a lot of improvements & new technology come out in both fishing reels & rods also. The range of lures both HB & SP has improved out of sight as well.

What gear has helped you out the most & made your fishing either more successful or just made life easier. Just the top few items please. :biggrin2:

The 2 things that have been a big benefit to me over the last 10 years are GPS & the braided / gelspun lines.

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Braided / GSP lines would have to be number one for me. After my first 2 or 3 sessions using it while tossing lure for flathead I would never go back........ Make me wonder how many fish I missed fishing with mono over the years??

To compliment the new lines the graphite rods are awsome and so much more affordable.

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I would have to say for me it is the Finesse gear that is available to the modern angler. The light rods, reels, lines and lures all make life much easier than it used to be.

I must not forget the advancement in 4 stroke motor technology. I know that 2 strokes still have a very important place in the boating industry, but the smoothness, efficiency and enviromental factors of the modern 4 stroke engine is a huge drawcard and has pushed things forward for all of us.


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When I switched to higher quality gear the biggest noticeable difference for me was the overall lightness of the outfit, which made casting all day a lot more pleasant and managable, as well as being able to cast light lures further than before.

I Agree with LW about motor technology which plays an important role too. I will add though that the new two stroke technology will see them make a big comeback over the next 5 years. My Etec is unbelievably good in all areas.

Without out doubt the biggest technology winner for me is the internet and sites like this, which allows you to learn and share valuable info which would otherwise have taken a lifetime to learn. :biggrin2:

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Well, for me it has definately been this web site, it has really enabled us to accelerate gaining our knowledge about fishing in the Hawkesbury, given we moved up after 15 years of fishing on the harbour.


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Fireline for trolling and casting, definitely got me back into lure fishing in a big way.

I was interested in Swoffas remarks about the internet enabling anglers to broaden thier horizons, and learn new techniques,that is certainly the case. I've also noted that the internet seems to be good at starting cliques of narrow minded pains in the asses. Or maybe they were always there, but now just more visible :)


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I've also noted that the internet seems to be good at starting cliques of narrow minded pains in the asses

Fair comment. They have always been there but are more vocal on the net where they hide behind anonomous names & the keyboard :badair:

Good old braid /gelspun is popular choice so far on this thread. :biggrin2:

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I thought of Fireline, then I thought if I really had to, I could easily 'get away with' one of the new higher quality mono's goin' around.

Same goes with the sounder. It seems a must to have one now and in new territory it almost is, but considering I mainly fish shoreline type structure, I think I could get away without one of those too.

The internet is obviously a wonderful thing and it has helped my learning curve along a little quicker than had it not been around. However if, heaven forbid, I had to give up the computer one day, I wouldn't necessarily feel all that bad about goin' back to all the 'old' sources of information like magazines, tv, radio, books and not forgetting the ol'faithful, 'chewing the fat' with like-minded anglers face-to-face.

After taking into consideration all of the above, I came to the conclusion that the one thing I couldn't bare to be, or do without, is an electric motor.

The Electric helps me move and cover more area than I could ever dream of without it. It also gives me the opportunity to hold in a spot while casting in situations where it would be impossible or extremely difficult to operate without one, like on windy days or in fast flowing water.

Therefore my pick is the electric, definitely the most important piece of new(ish) technology out of all my tackle and accessories.


Edited by Pukka
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Guest bluecod

Like Fish'n, I too have given this some thought :wacko:

A lot of my gear on which I still catch good fish is at least 20 years old. I've also got a couple of old tinnies and a canoe, so I could easily survive on that stuff alone. I don't have a problem with holding a boat or canoe steady on the oars for a mate to have a fish, so a leccy is out [don't have one anyway]. I mainly use either mono or braided dacron, both have been around for ages. I still have a lot of my marks for the outside sweet spots, although a GPS is handy and inshore hot spots were reliable for my father [and still are for me]. It is fairly safe to say that improved equipment is not it for me.

What has been the biggest asset over the past couple of years has been Internet access, not only to sites like this that have broadened my fishing styles [fly] and knowledge in a concentrated timeframe, but also to access tide, weather and oceanic information to enable safer and more productive trips outside.

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