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Great way to spend a Sat arvo


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I was going to write a single monologue sentence report, with no punctuation and giving the impression that it was spoken by someone that has just had their dose of Stelazine increased – think Bruce Willis in 12 Monkeys in the asylum when Brad Pitt is trying to bust him out…. BUT!............

Apologies first fellow Raiders – Entschuldigung for not being active of late, life, love and the “Boss” have been taking my time, and so have had to lay low for some time. I just spent a month travelling up the East Coast in an RV with my wife, fishing,relaxing and enjoying camping. She’s great at collecting yabbies’ in the mudflats!!!! ( sorry babe!). I’m heading into Kanangra ck for a 2 week solo trip at the end of July – solo cause I’m the only one that puts my love of fishing into the right priority, and no before you-awl wonder?- no it doesn’t involve having to watch the Notebook, be over enthusiastic about a Coach Handbag, or just “sitting there” whilst having to watch The Voice or Jersey Shore. Waking up in “crisp” morning conditions, to hearing the creek flowing, the birds singing etc is all I need.

I’m like you – I check the site every day, scroll thru my fave parts – reports, fresh, salt, fish ID and apart from the odd report, there hasn’t been much to read?- Except 42 boats at Waratah Bay – WOW, won’t be going there anytime soon! Why is that? 18,000 Members!!!!. Please take a camera- take the time to take a dozen photos and spend 20 mins to put up a report – it’s what makes a good forum a GREAT forum.

After putting out some burley on the forum for company to chase some Blackies, managed a few replies- thanks Squid Jig and my somewhat mentor Pete ( Luderick59), and also Nibbles ( Carl). Organized to take Carl out to the harbor on Saturday afternoon, so on Saturday morning I went down to the rocks at the beach near my place and collected some weed as there isn’t many places I know of around the harbor where you get good weed. After the huge seas of 2 weeks ago, most of the weed on the Northern Beaches has been totally annihilated, so I had to ferret out some spots, and found literally a patch of 1x 1 meter long patch of string weed. I even had to get my bucket and wash the area of sand to expose the long strands- lol seriously!. From my personal experience, the Luderick in the harbor prefer long weed as opposed to cabbage. The good long weed is few and far between – I know about half a dozen places to find “reliable” sources, and this was one of them. I generally use weed for bait, and cabbage to chop up for burley.

Met Carl at around 130pm – yes it was a short afternoon interlude, he mooted something about a new work venture et al, however I could see that "scream for help” that the girlfriend had trapped him in some other deception, or maybe he was telling the truth????. We got to the spot, exchanged pleasantries and I showed him my way of rigging – which has always been to use the lightest possible rig for black fishing. This has been reinforced to me by Luderick59 – Pete being the purist, showed me ways of rigging, and always highlighted the rationale of going light. I’m totally sold. Everyone has their favorite method, but for me it involves light pencil floats, 4-6lb line, Gamakatsu Panfish hooks, and float stoppers instead of splitshot. I also tie pure snell knots, and am convinced they make a difference.

Carl had some 4lb fluro – I think it was old and weathered, as the first cast I hooked onto a decent fish ( Carl couldn’t believe it was 1st cast – and I was happy too!), and then snap!. I use a 14ft custom Blackfish rod, and the line pinged with little fight. Then Carl cast – LOL, hook up too, then snap!. The next words out of my mouth were “ Ok 6-8lb is the go!”.

We proceeded to hook,catch and land and lose a load of fish. The day was about as perfect as you could ask for- nice and warm, no wind and water clarity good. Unfortunately because of the timing we were fishing around low tide, and for me personally, I find the best time around the harbor is the rising tide. Nonetheless, it was productive. Carl was funny as he was so caught up in the moment that quite often as we were talking he missed good “downs” and I had to tell him to strike – hahahah pretty funny.

We fished until about 5pm – until it was fairly dark. The tally for the 3 or so hours was 9 good size fish. 1 or 2 returned undersize, and at least 9-10 dropped. You win some you lose some!.

We gutted the catch, I explained to Carl about bleeding them and removing the black lining etc, and gave him the entire catch.

We ended the evening early – he had a party to go to , and I had the best Fish n Chips to go eat from my pals that own Kirribilli Seafoods.

A good way to spend a lazy Saturday afternoon, in a beautiful harbor, in a beautiful city. Carl was great company, and a very keen and astute fisherperson, and a pleasure to angle with. Next weekend it will be 3 of us, and hopefully the weather will be good. Might even get out the 5wt and do some fly “pussyfooting”……

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Nicely put together Matt.

Have to give a huge thanks to Nanook for taking me out on Saturday afternoon. As well as showing me the basics, with patience, enthusiasm and a great eye for detail he’s great company and it was a pleasure to spend a few hours talking outdoor experiences, Fishraider politics, Fishraider personalities and the make-up of a great report (even at the cost of a few missed “downs”).

It was also very generous of Matt to offer the whole catch to me, though this proved a bit more work than the usual 2-3 flathead I pick-up in a session. Two and a half hours of filleting practice early Sunday morning left me with way too many fillets to eat fresh so I rallied the troops and fed them a simple meal. Next time I’ll only be taking a couple of fish home.

post-18853-090147000 1340674219_thumb.jpg

Looking forward more Blackfish sessions in the future. Visual, exciting and delicious.

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Nicely put together Matt.

Have to give a huge thanks to Nanook for taking me out on Saturday afternoon. As well as showing me the basics, with patience, enthusiasm and a great eye for detail he’s great company and it was a pleasure to spend a few hours talking outdoor experiences, Fishraider politics, Fishraider personalities and the make-up of a great report (even at the cost of a few missed “downs”).

It was also very generous of Matt to offer the whole catch to me, though this proved a bit more work than the usual 2-3 flathead I pick-up in a session. Two and a half hours of filleting practice early Sunday morning left me with way too many fillets to eat fresh so I rallied the troops and fed them a simple meal. Next time I’ll only be taking a couple of fish home.

post-18853-090147000 1340674219_thumb.jpg

Looking forward more Blackfish sessions in the future. Visual, exciting and delicious.

Mate that feed looks great :thumbup:

Ill take you fishing for flats and you can take me for Blackfish how dose that sound.

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That fillet with the salad and chips looks very good! Haven't eaten blackies since we used to spear them at Tuross Heads 30 years ago. Are they good tucker? Up there with bream?

Showing my rookie status here, but I haven't eaten a bream since I was a kid so can't really compare or comment. But good tucker, certainly. Sweet and soft.

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he, he, I nearly put a reply on to your post, mate - but I am up here & you are down there!!! Hope you didn't pop into Forster without letting me know (on your east coast wandering!!)

Pete/Luderick 59 is a top bloke - never minds giving out info or fishing with novices (like me, when he is potholing!!) Always amazes me that he catches SO MUCH with SO LITTLE water washing over the rocks there!!

Well done on a good session - lots of feeds there!! YUM!


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he, he, I nearly put a reply on to your post, mate - but I am up here & you are down there!!! Hope you didn't pop into Forster without letting me know (on your east coast wandering!!)

Pete/Luderick 59 is a top bloke - never minds giving out info or fishing with novices (like me, when he is potholing!!) Always amazes me that he catches SO MUCH with SO LITTLE water washing over the rocks there!!

Well done on a good session - lots of feeds there!! YUM!


Oops Roberta, We spent a week at Booti Booti - it was blackfish heaven there!

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Nicely put together Matt.

Have to give a huge thanks to Nanook for taking me out on Saturday afternoon. As well as showing me the basics, with patience, enthusiasm and a great eye for detail he's great company and it was a pleasure to spend a few hours talking outdoor experiences, Fishraider politics, Fishraider personalities and the make-up of a great report (even at the cost of a few missed "downs").

It was also very generous of Matt to offer the whole catch to me, though this proved a bit more work than the usual 2-3 flathead I pick-up in a session. Two and a half hours of filleting practice early Sunday morning left me with way too many fillets to eat fresh so I rallied the troops and fed them a simple meal. Next time I'll only be taking a couple of fish home.

post-18853-090147000 1340674219_thumb.jp

Looking forward more Blackfish sessions in the future. Visual, exciting and delicious.

Sounds lots of fun :biggrin2:

I wanna know all about the fishraider politics and personalities - it could make a good book :1yikes:

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If you're thinking of doing a fly session for Luderick, I'd be very interested in learning from you if you've got the time. I've fished for trout for many years and have all my own gear, so don't worry, you won't have to teach me how to cast ;)

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If you're thinking of doing a fly session for Luderick, I'd be very interested in learning from you if you've got the time. I've fished for trout for many years and have all my own gear, so don't worry, you won't have to teach me how to cast ;)

BenB I have done exceptionally well on the fly for them over the last 12 months basic technique is to fish an indicator with the fly set at feeding depth and the timiest bit of split shot - i usually tie a tapered leader of 10lb mono then 6lb fluoro of 18 inches using a surgeons knot and place the shot above the knot. You still need a bit of burley though!

Nanook I'm off to Lyell this weekend but if your aboutthe following a session on the blackies if your free???


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