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I just bought some Shimano Sephia Egixile deep Squid Jigs 3.0. I didn't really want them as they are the heavier ones but at $6 a pop couldn't say no.

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Anyways, It was time to test them. I was working at home last night and finished my work at about 9.30 so I decided for a quick squid sess to test them out. I head to a wharf near me in the inner west. I scouted this wharf a few months ago but it was during the big wet of a few months ago. The water back then was dirty and horrid but I knew this place would hold squid. So I get there the water is clear & I can see the bottom. I chuck the jig out and after a few casts I have 2 squid. Then I move around and spot a school of about 8 of them in about 2 foot of water. I chuck my jig in...bang...2 more. Now that's all I need for my jew session on Sat, so I'm done in 10 min. But I decide I'll catch one more and release it just for fun. The school were timid and not as aggressive any more. They would follow and occasionally touch the jig but not grab it. I tried fast, slow, different depth but no takes.

So what do people do in these situations?

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Mate I've found switching jigs can bring them back on the bite particularly down sizing the jig. Also adding scent to them can help.

Squid can spook easily when you hook them in a tight school. When I spot a school of squid I cast well away from them and get closer with each cast till they start to come out of the school to hit the jig. If u can get them coming out one at a time they shouldn't get timid.

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Thats awesome champ, cant go wrong for $6 a pop.. I live in the Inner West as well and have occasionally tried squidding at a few local wharfs with no luck at all!

From my expeience switching to a smaller jig would usually help! any tips on your land based squid spot? :)

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Thats awesome champ, cant go wrong for $6 a pop.. I live in the Inner West as well and have occasionally tried squidding at a few local wharfs with no luck at all!

From my expeience switching to a smaller jig would usually help! any tips on your land based squid spot? :)

Where have you tried?

Just find a wharf with lights and go after dark. I've only recently started catching them. It took a good 6 months of dabbling and month of solid (3 times a week) squidding to get a better understanding for how to catch them. You almost have to think like a squid :biggrin2:

What technique do you use?

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Where have you tried?

Just find a wharf with lights and go after dark. I've only recently started catching them. It took a good 6 months of dabbling and month of solid (3 times a week) squidding to get a better understanding for how to catch them. You almost have to think like a squid :biggrin2:

What technique do you use?

Ive tried the ferry wharfs at Woolwich & Chiswick but more so Woolwich.. its obviously better once the ferries stop or it doesnt matter? yeah there definately is a nack to catching them! lol .. Ive tried the slow wind, and also the let sink with 1 lift then let sink etc...

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I use a 2.5 squid jig and have no trouble bringing up small and large squid. Usually put two split sinkers on my line and let it drop to the bottom, I finish my cigarette off and then start reeling in slowly that's the best technique as advice I can offer you :) good luck! Also I have success around Woolwich area always go home with at least 8 squid and good sizes as well :)

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I use a 2.5 squid jig and have no trouble bringing up small and large squid. Usually put two split sinkers on my line and let it drop to the bottom, I finish my cigarette off and then start reeling in slowly that's the best technique as advice I can offer you :) good luck! Also I have success around Woolwich area always go home with at least 8 squid and good sizes as well :)

I've given up smoking so I'll have to try a different technique :biggrin2:

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