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My first flathead - Yay!


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Our day started off very slowly yesterday when we went to the Darling Point ferry wharf. Unfortunately, we didn't start until around 2:30pm. Nothing much was happening, and another fisherman was going home due to lack of action. We decided to hang around because it was a beautiful day and while it wasn't as exciting as it could ahve been, my friend managed to pop his fishing cherry with an octopus! There were also a few small snapper and bream around. There were some boys fishing with handreels for big leatherjackets with their grandad, and one of them caught a large crab, but it dropped off just before landing.

Anyways, as the sun started to hang low, we decided to move to another spot because we had so much bait left (plus I hadn't caught anything yet). After getting some coffee and sitting in the warm car for a little bit, we went to Birkenhead Point around 7pm. The tide was very low but rising, and we caught a few very small snapper. When I got sick of catching nothing much, I swapped to a shad lure dipped into tuna oil. About 5-10 minutes later something grabbed it and immediately tangled my line into my friend's! We had to reel in at the same time, and boy it must have swum loops around his line because it was pretty knotted up!

I was already elated that I had for the first time ever caught something on a plastic lure, and pretty stoked that I had caught my first flathead, FINALLY! :yahoo:

What's more, the flathead was legal size, and I even have pics to prove it! :1prop: He was released promptly after the photoshoot.

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Edited by reeling
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