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Hi Raiders,

I went down to my local ledge yesterday arvo to give the blackies a shot for the first time in a while. A bit rough with a fair bit of running to safety but safe enough if you kept your eyes open and brain on caution mode. Anyway so it gets flat and out I go, 15 seconds later im under and im on, thump thump thump, im thinking this is a dam good fish. Funny how all the big blackfish start the fight with full body head shakes and when you feel that snapper like thud thud thud you know you're onto a good fish.

So im fighting away thinking "YOU BEAUTY", a while passes and I see the beast. Instantly I can feel the adrenalin shoot into my viens like harry to a junky and im pumped, I have never seen a blackfish this big in my life and the heart is pounding through my chest. I am now close to the ledge to land the fish but I think hang on take your time, wait for the right moment. Right at that stage when I say to myself slow slow slow a lump pops up in front of me and closes in fast, a swell that I need to run away from. SH%TBALLS I HAVE TO RUN. I get the fish up onto the flat off the ledge, the fish is now landed but the fight goes on! 6lb leader and I have no ramp to slide the fish up as I bail to avoid a wet bum and a few nasty scratches from being dragged along the rocks. One last ditched panic slide to control the fish and the leader snaps, I have one chance here, one chance to get the blackfish of a lifetime so I dive my hand down as the water pours over the ledge and washes around my feet I hit the beast with my hand but the only thing that happens is a rod of pain through my hand, I had shot my hand down so fast to try and get the fish that a spine went BANG up into my hand, at that moment the water is mid shin deep and flowing fast, the fish is gone. I do a quick scour of the area to see if I can chase him down before freedom but then I realised he was gone.

Defeated, shaking, adrenalin on high I do all I can, I call my dad and share with him my pain. He laughs, I hang up and calm myself.

Tie on another hook and back out, 2 drifts 2 fish but with the hum of the Sinead O'Connor song "nothing compares, nothing compares to you" well and truly stuck in my head.

ps. I know 50cm sounds like a big call but I have got one 46.5cm and this fish was much much bigger than that. Would have been pushing 2kg's #stillcrying

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Edited by Cobba12
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Shame, Cobba!! As you well know - the difference in the fight of a blackie in the high 30s is totally different to on in the mid 40s - so a 50cm fish would go ballistic & just never stop trying to get away on you! Shame the conditions forced you to lose him - but - ya gotta stay safe!!!

I reckon I've been busted off by 50cm specimens in the leases up here - definitely been towed back to the lease in my kayak & THEN busted off by one too!! mad3.gif

Those spikes hurt like hell, too!! Ne'er mind, you know where he lives ....... he'll be there another day! biggrin2.gif At least you got a feed!


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Good one mate.Are they still thick down there or have they slowed down recently?

Cheers Steve

Im up in Noosa at the moment so not sure if its still on but its not often that you don'e get a few around the eastern suburb ledges.

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