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sharky morning in the harbour


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Decided to get up early to fish the tide change at 7am. Came down to my middle harbour spot last night and got 4yakkas which I put in a keeper buckets and tied them under the wharf.

4am my alarm goes off a quick coffee and I'm at manly wharf by 4:20am manage 10 good sized yakkas.

Feeling really good for the sunrise session. Set my first two baits and with in ten minutes one gets a good bump then another I pick up the rod and I can feel my yakka going nuts and something is hitting it then bang a rip of drag and nothing its goes. Out goes a fresh ones and I check my other bait and its been chopped in two.

Over the next hour I got bitten off 4 times, lost a few yakkas and pulled in two more half yakkas. I'm now down to my last two livies and no the sun is up the sharks seem to have moved on.

I was about to thinking about packing it in and my mate called saying he is on his way with two big fresh squid and a coffee for me so looks like il fish the run out now.

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Good fun shore they were sharks or tailor cause my mate has been getting massive tailor around that area he got one that bit a big yakka in half luckly he had a stinger hook on

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Ditto for tailor,

I had live slimies down in middle harbour a couple of weeks ago and I could see the tailor coming in on the sounder. The slimies got hammered, with huge chunks taken in single bites.

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I've pulled up loads of livies with the same bite pattern after a bit strike... what's the best way to land the creature that is doing the biting?

wire trace? leave the half-yakka down there and hope for the second strike?

I have had both small hammerhead and decent sized tailor caught at the times when I've also experienced the "half yakka".


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I was running a stinger I do with all my live baits. The one missing the tail the stinger was just infront of the bite (rig was a little short as the yakka was about 25cm) another one bitten in two the stinger was in the tail. I also had a stinger bitten off. I know if I was running wire I would have put my self in with a better chance of hooking them but I don't like wire when fishing for Jews.

Yer ginko I've had baby hammer heads and baby whalers coming in caught on the stinger with half a yakka hanging off the top hook. Personally I'm not usually looking at landing them I'm waiting for a Jew or king to swallow it whole. Me and a mate were talking about putting gang hooks in a yakka or tying a rig with two hooks and a free swinging treble off the bottom. That rig is used a lot by mackrel fishing

Edited by sydangler
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The thing is that most Middle & North Harbour jew have followed the mullet & moved to the offshore reefs

at this time of year.

The water is also too cold for your small sharks such as whalers & hammers.

When you start catching Port Jacksons you will rarely get other sharks in the Harbour.

You won't find many jew either.

In winter fish for what's there. Use wire & smack some stonker tailor.



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