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Hawthorne Canal Leichhardt


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i fished the last hour of the run in and first hour of the run out tide.

2-4kg 7ft berkley rod with a sedona 2500 with 4 pound braid 4 pound leader. (not 100% sure about the rod and reel specs)

i was using sp, wriggler blood worm colour 80mm

the wind was between 5-8km/h and not to sure about the barometer.

any help would be appreciated :) cheers!

I'm only an apprentice and certainly no expert but your outfit is a quality one and seems fine to me and you have light line too (go light to get the bite).

The barometer yesterday was around 1016 which you can check on seabreeze on the tab on the top of the FR home page.

The winds were westerly and light, and the water is quite clear at the moment and it was a sunny day.... maybe not enough cover for timid fish?

What was the weight of the jig head you used. From what I have read the lighter the jig head the more natural the lure will look.

This is only my 20 cents worth and I'm still trying to put the pieces together, maybe the experienced guys will be kind enough to help.

Good luck


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Cheers for the reply! My jig head was 1/16 I think maybe a bit to heavy ay..I was talking to a local and he said lately the fishing hasn't been that great in iron cove. Can anyoneback this up

Your outfit is fine.

Jighead is fine, s.p is fine, maybe go to the 55mm wriggler!

Baro was good, tide o.k, maybe not quite big enough to get the fish up on the flats.

I always had better fishing to the right along those walls from the wharf.

Also left from the rowing club to the back canal.

Give the entrance to Hawthorne a miss I reckon & move around a little.

Small h/bods worked slowly also work very well.



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Your outfit is fine.

Jighead is fine, s.p is fine, maybe go to the 55mm wriggler!

Baro was good, tide o.k, maybe not quite big enough to get the fish up on the flats.

I always had better fishing to the right along those walls from the wharf.

Also left from the rowing club to the back canal.

Give the entrance to Hawthorne a miss I reckon & move around a little.

Small h/bods worked slowly also work very well.



Which jighead should I use for the 55mm wriggler? Cheers for all the tips! I'll try them out within the next week

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Which jighead should I use for the 55mm wriggler? Cheers for all the tips! I'll try them out within the next week

1/16th to 1/20th size 2-4 hook.

I used to always do much better in those bays with black jigheads.

I always used 1/16th cultiva jigheads in black & they are one hell of a hook.

Super sharp & super strong.

If you can't find them try a black permanent marker & colour the ones you have got.

Don't forget my fave s.p for the bays. 3" Berkley power minnow in pearl watermelon.

Smeared with s/factor & fished slow on a good tide you can't go wrong!

Remember the fish are not as active in winter so when you think you are fishing really slow then slow

it down some more & then slow it down again.

A lot of times you will go to twitch your s.p & pull into a fish that has sipped it up off the bottom.



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i live and drummoyne and pretty much see them every day i look .....definately salmon they are all over the upper reaches of the harbour at the moment --....seen them from from the bay run in iron cove, (not far where you hooked up), drummoyne bay, around gladesville bridge, even in 2- 3 ft of water at canada bay (actually seen them in canada bay every weekend for the last month or so when playing golf .. usually on the higher part of the tide morning or arvo.. just look for the gulls all hyped up and hovering) the schools of fish are small compred to what is around the heads and they move about .. ./. but seriously offesr shots for LB guys if you can work out a pattern and sit and wait -- or bring a push bike as most of that area has a road or path around the water edge you could improve your chances.

actually saw a guy get one land based at 4pm two sundays ago.. direct opp barnwell park golf club -- guy had about 6 people come out of a function to watch him land the fish.. a big sambo too easy 60cms ...seen them in and around the mouth of the canal there in the middle of the bay and also up around the mouth of the canal at the nth western end - on the run out tide

get stuck in !


Edited by jimmy72
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  • 2 weeks later...

Pretty good chance it was a Salmon. I have pulled one out on the steps between the UTS and the Canal bridge on a land based session down there. Really freaked out a couple of joggers who pulled up to watch. Unfortunately it slipped the hook as I reached down to grab it.But had positive ID.

Cheers Blood Knot

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I try to get out there for a fish every weekend as I live close by. Last week's session I caught two bream. Three takes that pulled hooks due to amateur moments on my part.

IC fishes ok at times, but there have been many donut sessions also. The chopper tailor do become annoying as they bite the tails off soft plastics but still entertaining when nothing else is biting.

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