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6 August 2012



Skippers are reminded of the responsibility to keep wash to a minimum after an incident last weekend in Wallis Lake in which wash from a vessel permanently damaged several oyster leases.

Member for Myall Lakes, Stephen Bromhead said an estimated $14,000 in damage was sustained to oyster leases owned by two separate oyster farmers on Wallis Lake on either Saturday or Sunday. Some of the oysters which were upturned into the lake were this week recovered by scuba divers.

"Large wash can upturn oyster trays or push oysters off the trays into the water, which is what happened at the weekend," Mr Bromhead said.

"At this stage in the three-year production cycle, oysters are only months away from being ready for consumption.

"Oyster growers cannot insure against incidents like this."

Mr Bromhead said the creation of wash – waves and turbulence – in navigable waters which causes unreasonable impact or damage could result in an on-the-spot fine of up to $500, or up to $5,500 if dealt with by a court.

"A tip for larger boats is to slow down and drive to the conditions and remember wash also includes the unbroken surge of pressure waves sometimes created behind larger cruising boats.

"As a rule of thumb if your boat is making waves larger than what you might reasonable expect in an area from wind or swell then there is a high risk you might be causing a problem".


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That didn't even make the local paper this week, Donna!!1yikes.gif

However, I can relate to it totally the last time I was out in the yak - I was resting up against the corner of an oyster lease fence, casting across the top of the leases with topwater lures on high tide ...... an idiot in a boat came zooming around the corner, cutting the corner, so that I could almost spit on him ......... I was already 'shooing him away' as he approached & doing the international 'slow down' sign (hands flat, palms down, both going up & down .....) and the idiot thought I was waving at him! wacko.gif

The size of the waves could easily have dislodged the racks on that lease & it was only when I had to take evasive action to prevent myself from being trashed against the actual fence, due to said waves ...... that it finally dawned on him that he'd done something wrong!!1badmood.gif No apology, didn't stop to see if I was alright!

Some boaties have NO IDEA of common sense behaviour on the water, particularly around structure & other water users!! As it is, many leases have 'wash boards' around them, to protect the oysters from big wash ........ obviously not big enough in this case! That is why they are called 'wash boards'!


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