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Bate Bay


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Trolled a few unweighted pillies on ganged hooks around Jibbon Pt early this morning for the 4 tailor, then just on sunrise a couple of salmon moved in. One gave a few headshakes then swam into the shallow water breaking over the rocks and eventually snagged me around a rock. Could not swim him out and the line frayed.

Had another rod rigged with lighter line, so used that and hooked another salmon at 56cm, smaller than the other one, which was returned to the water, and also a trevally at 52cm, which snagged me under a rock, but managed to pull it out, and released that one as well. The leader had frayed a bit, but it held together. A good bit of fun from those 2.

Tried drifting the bottom in a couple of places for bugger all, so trolled a minnow lure near Shark Island for 3 more tailor. These were also released. They were schooling off the south east corner.

As the water was fairly calm and almost wind free in close, I used a squid jig along Oak Park for the 5 squid, but quite a few casts in between hookups. The cuttle fish was floating in close, nothing chewing at it, so I scooped it up for bait. The head and guts were missing, but behind the head were several teeth marks that looked like they were from a good sized reddie.

Enough for a feed, and the bigger squid for bait, so headed home.

Edited by yowie
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