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Narrebeen Lakes - 25/9/12


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Hi raiders,

Finally took the yak out for a good session this afternoon. Hit up Narra lakes for a couple of hours. Started off trolling my favourite little reidy's 2m diver around (in 2m of water) and nailed a few just undersized tailor to start. Then had a quick look in Deep Creek and pulled a little 25cm bream from a snag at the entrance. Mullet everywhere today.. Free jumping and one literally almost jumped in the kayak! With the wind well and truly howling, i decided to head back. I chucked the little reidy's out the back and after no more than 10 seconds, something hit it. A 30cm tailor... De- Hooked him and put it back out. Around 30m from the ramp, the lure got nailed. Plenty of good head shakes so new it was a nice flattie. A few nervous moments trying to net my first decent yak caught fish. Finally got him in and headed for shore. The flattie measured up to be 52cm. Not a monster but a HB PB for me... Fish was released after a few quick pics.. I'll be doing more of the same next time for sure!

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Cheers, Tom

Edited by mack attack 79
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Well done Mack. I have been using Reidy's lures for years and many times they out-fish all others. Hard to find in tackle shops but buy mine direct from them now.

They're great aren't they! I'll be ordering them in bulk when i get the chance!

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Well done Tom. Nice fish and congratulations on your hard body flathead PB!

Is that the kayak that you've been waiting the last few months for! Hope it serves you very well and may you land many a big fish from it!

Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work.

All the best


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Well done Tom. Nice fish and congratulations on your hard body flathead PB!

Is that the kayak that you've been waiting the last few months for! Hope it serves you very well and may you land many a big fish from it!

Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work.

All the best


Thanks Ian! Lost my fair share of sleep over that kayak! Always great to crack a PB, especially on HB!

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Cheers, Tom

Edited by mack attack 79
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NICE lookin' yak there, Tom!! You'll have SO much fun in that - much more so than in a tinny!! Get up into those shallow bays that boats can't get to, specially on the big Xmas & Easter Tides (and this weekend......) virgin territory!!!

Well done on your flatty!!


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NICE lookin' yak there, Tom!! You'll have SO much fun in that - much more so than in a tinny!! Get up into those shallow bays that boats can't get to, specially on the big Xmas & Easter Tides (and this weekend......) virgin territory!!!

Well done on your flatty!!


Thanks Roberta! Already love it! Your reports are what convinced me to get into yakking and so far i love it! Already i have been able to access creeks where the entrance is too shallow for boats and landbased options are very limited... Hopefully doing an all dayer tomorrow so will post a report assuming i catch a few :thumbup:

That's a cool yak! A Pro Angler?

Yepp :biggrin2: Pro Angler 12.. Very good alternative to a boat!

Edited by mack attack 79
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I was at deep creek a couple of weeks ago. There were mullet jumping everywhere as you described, but there were also schools of other fish (they didn't seem interested in my prawns at all). Would they have also been mullet? Or perhaps small tailor or something? I did surprisingly manage to hook my 1st luderick though (so at least that made up for the frustration of a creek full of fish that I couldn't hook)

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I was at deep creek a couple of weeks ago. There were mullet jumping everywhere as you described, but there were also schools of other fish (they didn't seem interested in my prawns at all). Would they have also been mullet? Or perhaps small tailor or something? I did surprisingly manage to hook my 1st luderick though (so at least that made up for the frustration of a creek full of fish that I couldn't hook)

I'd say they were definitely the mullet schooling up.. Loads of them at the moment. It gets a little deeper just around the bridge pylons (2m+) so it might be a good spot to flick for bream and EP's on dusk.. I wouldn't try deep creek with bait though... you should have a go at the mullet! They fight hard in some of them are 50+cm too! Just rig up a standard float rig with a tiny longshank hook and a small piece of bread rolled into a ball.. Works well!

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Thanks. I hadn't intended going there.. I'd moved on from Roseville and lane cove so wasn't really prepared. I'll definitely give the bread a go next time. I do have issues keeping it on the hook though! I've tried rolling it in a ball and threading the crust through but always falls apart :( do u wet it b4 rolling it into a ball? Is fresh or stale bread best?

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When I was a kid we used to use a dough mix with cotton wool shredded up and mixed in to hold it together. I can't remember the exact recipe but maybe using flour and egg with some water and cotton wool would make it stickier?

I remember mixing it up til is was a thick sticky mess - great fun when your a kid!

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Just pinch and roll the bread so it goes doughy.....it will stay on fine. Any tips on cooking mullet.....I reckon of all fish, it gets the most mixed reviews....some rate it very highly, others chuck it in the Aussie salmon category.

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Today wasn't nearly as good... Headed up towards woolies bridge first... As people who fish there would know, the bridge is quite low to the water so only small boats and kayaks can go under... As i was going under i left the rods in the rod holder positions stupidly and they started scraping along the ceiling.. Put the rod i was trolling with down next to me and as i rescued the other rods this one got snagged and pulled out of the yak.. It also happened to be a decent one too... Okuma V-System reel ($270) and T-Curve Baitcaster ($200ish)... Its deep, dark and the things living under that bridge are out of this world... so elected not to dive down.. If anyone wants to try their luck at retrieving it be my guest... Spent the afternoon in deep creek having a blast with the mullet. First up caught a 39cm model on a little hardbody before i changed to a float rig and caught around 30 in an hour between 20 and 35cm.. Not the best day considering the loss but being on the water is always nice..

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Sorry to hear you lost a quality outfit Tom. Who knows maybe when your flicking around there nextime you might hook up to it.

Well done on all the mullet too! At least you know where to go when you need some live/fresh bait.

All the best


Yeah i don't think i'll be hanging around that bridge too much... Don't want that happening again.. Apparently there are huge octopus and rays down there so good thing i didn't dive down.. Mullet were still great fun and got busted off a few times as well!

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Today wasn't nearly as good... Headed up towards woolies bridge first... As people who fish there would know, the bridge is quite low to the water so only small boats and kayaks can go under... As i was going under i left the rods in the rod holder positions stupidly and they started scraping along the ceiling.. Put the rod i was trolling with down next to me and as i rescued the other rods this one got snagged and pulled out of the yak.. It also happened to be a decent one too... Okuma V-System reel ($270) and T-Curve Baitcaster ($200ish)... Its deep, dark and the things living under that bridge are out of this world... so elected not to dive down.. If anyone wants to try their luck at retrieving it be my guest... Spent the afternoon in deep creek having a blast with the mullet. First up caught a 39cm model on a little hardbody before i changed to a float rig and caught around 30 in an hour between 20 and 35cm.. Not the best day considering the loss but being on the water is always nice..

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Bad luck mate. I fish that bridge a little. If ever i snag up an outfit like that i'll give you a holla :P

Nice mullet though

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Bad luck mate. I fish that bridge a little. If ever i snag up an outfit like that i'll give you a holla :P

Nice mullet though

One of the guys working on the bridge construction said that he's seen sharks there before... Didn't think the lake had sharks but he was very convincing... Very glad i didnt dive down now!

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One of the guys working on the bridge construction said that he's seen sharks there before... Didn't think the lake had sharks but he was very convincing... Very glad i didnt dive down now!

Funnily enough, I snagged a snorkeling mask last time i was fishing that bridge. Maybe the last guy who went down in that water didn't make it out!!

I've had snakes swim right up to me when i wade in the water at that bridge, and i know there's a huge ray that lives somewhere around there. Shark is next on the 'to see' list

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