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The joys of squidding

frankie machine

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Hey Raiders,

Spring's here so time to move off the rocks chasing drummer and try my luck in the bay. I've never really had a go at chasing squid before but after picking up a few jigs at a sale and reading a few articles decided to give it a shot at La Perouse last Thursday and today (Monday 15/10/12).

After checking out some video hints on Youtube went to work with letting the jig drop and then giving it two really hard rips up and letting it drop to the bottom before repeating - well, it worked a treat. Within 90 minutes I had six in the bag. Went back again this morning and even though it was bright sunshine jagged a bag of five including one that went 550 grams. The jig that did the damage was a Shimano Sephia Egixile, 3.0g in 05T colour. Great fun and the kids think I'm a champ after delivering two feeds of fried calamari.

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