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Landbased Sydney King


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Sunday morning the alarm went off at 0340am much to the disgust of the lady next to me, we hop in the car and head to our destination. we arrive at 04.45 and its still dark we begin our journey along the rocks. we reach our spot and get baits out by 5.15 just as the first effects of daylight are happening. no immediate action on baitd but as soon as our lures hit the water the fish were biting, frustratingly we kept droppng alot of the fish and so for the first hour besides a few trevally nothing was landed. come 0630 im retrieving my lure at top speed, i feel a take, but it drops i keep reeling and as the lure reaches the surface just in the swash zone boom! big swirl fish on! the fish dove immediatly and had a 20-30yard run for the bottoom, uvkily its deep. i work him back up to the surface and whilst doing so the baited float goes off! double hook up! the big salmon on the squid soon make himself clear and somehow evades capture. back to the mystery fish. as it reaches the surfaces it dive once more, screaming line off the reel, as it approaches the bottom, ping!!! .........the worst feeling ever. thinking i had been done on the rocks i retrieve devistated, and upon inspection we find the fish actually bent out my snap swivel!! ouch. so re rig, without the snap swivel, first cast back in the mix, couple cranks from the depths boom! fish on again, again big runs for the bottom, i just want to see what it is i thought! after a few more tense runs, we see colour.....yellow colour...ITS A KING, A KING, A KING is screamed, iv been after a king since last summer and yet to get one, my heart is in my mouth as it takes more runs down along the rocky ledge, no no no no no, were the onky words from there on in, lol. finally i get the fish up over the ledge hand the rod to fellow raider Angle, climb down the rock face, onto the ledge to collect my prize.....my first ever king, to say i was stoked is understatment. i was over the moon. you know that shaking feeling you get after catching a dream fish, i had that for about half an hour, and i loved it.

Thanks to fellow raiders Angle and Cobba12 who made the session even better, what a day.

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we went on to catch some bonnies salmon and many trevally, and saw the whales a numerous dolphins. sooo worth getting up early for. if only he missus could understand....

Cheers Raiders

Edited by gilbey
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Top king mate :thumbup: Can definitely understand what how it felt to fight a king on light gear. Caught a 67cm model on 2-4kg stick and 6lb earlier a few months ago landbased and it was an incredible fight. Almost spooled me!

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Looks like a dangerous spot..how was it to fish?

Hood on ya though, I am seeking my first king this yr or early 2013 so I might take a lesson from you and get up early in the am.

Nice fish

haha yes mate do it, iv been chasing them for a while now, and sunday was the first time i had had tried first light, and what a result! i think i may be getting up early more often!

Well done :thumbup: Did u eat him or let him go?? What lure weremu useing

lived to fight another day! he deserved it!

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I just bought like 5 Halco lures ;)

Looks like a nasty spot. I guess a no no for Southerly swells?

the spot is fishable in most swell conditions actually, because you can get up out of the way of the water, the trouble comes when you actually want to land a sizable fish, it could get really dodgey in a big swell.

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the spot is fishable in most swell conditions actually, because you can get up out of the way of the water, the trouble comes when you actually want to land a sizable fish, it could get really dodgey in a big swell.

I might clamber down there the next few days to take a look. I only live in Randwick.

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